Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Apex 2702 model TV is all green



I think its a powersupply problem? But this TV is only 1 year old and the
screen has a terrible green tint. MAJOR GREEN TINT.
Any idea's?

Jerry G.

Could be in the video drive amplifier stages, or the CRT is failing. You
would have to verify this with proper troubleshooting. Take note that there
is no service support for this brand of TV set.


Jerry G.

I think its a powersupply problem? But this TV is only 1 year old and the
screen has a terrible green tint. MAJOR GREEN TINT.
Any idea's?


If the picture tube has a short in it, sometimes a tv service person can
remove it with the right equiptment.


If the picture tube has a short in it, sometimes a tv service person can
remove it with the right equiptment.

It's an Apex. You get what you pay for.

What makes it worth trying to fix? The cost for repair can easily exceed the
value of the set.

Don't mean to advertise, but I think the original poster should consider
replacing that Apex with a nice Sony. - Reinhart


LASERandDVDfan said:
It's an Apex. You get what you pay for.

What makes it worth trying to fix? The cost for repair can easily exceed the
value of the set.

Don't mean to advertise, but I think the original poster should consider
replacing that Apex with a nice Sony. - Reinhart

This is true, however it was bought for my kids bedroom christmas time last
year for $199? or something like that... But I would feel bad just tossing
it out, the screen clarity wise is fine, it just looks sick :) all green.

I was hoping there was an easy fix or maybe a suggestion to try "xxxxxx" to

Jerry Greenberg

You recieved a number of answers from people who have been in the TV
service business for most of their lives. I have been involved for
about 35 years, and still going at it.


The solution is to properly troubleshoot the set to know where the
failure is. It is impossible to guess at the fault.

Unfortunately, if any origional non-generic type parts are required,
they will not be available for this set. This brand of TV is
classified as "Disposable", and infact, is constructed as such.

Going by your description, the CRT is the most common type of failure.

Jerry G.

John Del

Subject: Re: Apex 2702 model TV is all green
From: "Te" [email protected]
Date: 12/4/04 2:39 PM Eastern Standard Time

This is true, however it was bought for my kids bedroom christmas time last
year for $199? or something like that...

You know, I've never heard anyone buy $5 shoes and complain when the heel falls

TVs like that are specifically built to last the warranty period. You're on
bonus time after that.



This is true, however it was bought for my kids bedroom christmas time last
year for $199? or something like that... But I would feel bad just tossing
it out, the screen clarity wise is fine, it just looks sick :) all green.

It could be anything.

Any guess at what the problem will be is just that: a guess. The only way to,
at the very least, get a good steer as to what's going on with your TV is to
have an experienced repair professional examine it and give you a repair

But, if the problem is something major, like a shorted picture tube, you're
better off replacing the TV. As it has been said repeatedly here, the set was
made to be disposable when something goes wrong.
The problem with these sets is a combination of a cheap design and cheap parts.
This is how you get a low price tag, but also why these things have
non-existent service support and an abyssmal reliability record.

When you think about the long term, you may spend more money when buying an
Apex which could break down for apparently no reason at all and require a
replacement in the near future.

OTOH, compare this to a TV from a reputable brand that is usually made right to
begin with and would likely break down quite a few years more than the Apex if
acts of God doesn't get it first. Plus, the set from a good brand will likely
have service support so a repair would be possible, allowing you to use your
investment for a longer time.

Simply put, the more years you can get out of your TV, the more you will have
gotten for your money. Usually the TVs that tend to last the most years are
those from respected Japanese brands. - Reinhart