Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anything you wish you knew/glad you knew at the start of your education and/or jobs?

I'm working on a time machine and I'll be taking messages. :D I was actually just curious, I suppose I would tell my 6th grade self that yeah algebra is useful. I still learned it all, but a bit too begrudgingly.
I begrudgingly had to take classes I had absolutely no interest in. The schools would offer classes with a clause if the class filled-up before you could get it of : 'what do you want as a secondary choice if you don't get your first choice'. I begrudgingly now admit that every one of those classes have since become useful over the course of my life. If I went back in time, I'd tell myself to get the most out of every learning opportunity I had, even though at the time I had no interest in them. The information you get will come in handy later in life.
That weeks lottery numbers????

I also doubt that and change of mind you have now would have had any effect on you as a person back then...... try telling any 'kid' what's good for them and you'll get a cold shoulder at best, a general 'sneer' other wise.....