Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone with Raspberry Pi ModelB experience

Have any of you electronics gurus worked with
the Raspberry Pi model B board ? I am a newbie
with this SBC, and I am running into various
problems. If someone has had any experience
configuring and making it work, I would like
to discuss the issues I am facing, and for
which I do not have any solution.

Andrew Holme

wrote in message
Have any of you electronics gurus worked with
the Raspberry Pi model B board ? I am a newbie
with this SBC, and I am running into various
problems. If someone has had any experience
configuring and making it work, I would like
to discuss the issues I am facing, and for
which I do not have any solution.

Yes; but no promises. What issues?

Jasen Betts

Have any of you electronics gurus worked with
the Raspberry Pi model B board ? I am a newbie
with this SBC,
and I am running into various
problems. If someone has had any experience
configuring and making it work, I would like
to discuss the issues I am facing, and for
which I do not have any solution.

There's a newsgroup comp.sys.raspberry-pi but there's also
some of us here who have used it.

Getting a powersupply that's good is critical, and getting
the right SD card helps too.

if you're doing this on your own, having some linux
command-line experiance will help.


Jasen said:
There's a newsgroup comp.sys.raspberry-pi but there's also
some of us here who have used it.

Weird, my news provider ( doesn't carry that. At
least not yet. So I just requested that they adopt it.

wrote in message

Yes; but no promises. What issues?
First of all, I have used Linux for
almost 2 decades now, and have it on
both my work machine(CentOS) and my
home laptop(Fedora 17). So I am very
confortable with Linux command line
and use the 'dd' command to write the
SD card.
I started with OpenELEC-arm 3.0.0 and
I use a 1.25 Amp 5.0Volt power supply.
I use the composite video output with
a Sony Bravia TV as monitor. The board
would re-boot in an infinite loop. The
OpenELEC logo would come up, followed
by the XBMC logo, followed by a colorful
screen with a menu bar across it. Then
the above steps would repeat over and
over. The device would not respond to
any mouse or keyboard input. I re-flashed
the SD card a few times, but nothing changed.
I changed to OpenELEC 2.99.5, and now
the board does not re-boot over and over,
provided I press the 'keyboard's Esc key
once the colorful screen comes up, but it
pretty much ignores the keyboard. Also,
once the colorful screen is on for a few
minutes, it goes into a sort "gryed-out"
appearance, and the device does does not
respond at all.
So, first of all I would like to get the
device to a state where it respond to
mouse and keyboard input, without any
freezing over. I believe the power supply
has more than enough juice for the board
to support the mouse, keyboard etc.,
Any hints, suggestions would be of immense help.
Thanks in advance.

Andrew Holme

wrote in message
First of all, I have used Linux for
almost 2 decades now, and have it on
both my work machine(CentOS) and my
home laptop(Fedora 17). So I am very
confortable with Linux command line
and use the 'dd' command to write the
SD card.
I started with OpenELEC-arm 3.0.0 and
I use a 1.25 Amp 5.0Volt power supply.
I use the composite video output with
a Sony Bravia TV as monitor. The board
would re-boot in an infinite loop. The
OpenELEC logo would come up, followed
by the XBMC logo, followed by a colorful
screen with a menu bar across it. Then
the above steps would repeat over and
over. The device would not respond to
any mouse or keyboard input. I re-flashed
the SD card a few times, but nothing changed.
I changed to OpenELEC 2.99.5, and now
the board does not re-boot over and over,
provided I press the 'keyboard's Esc key
once the colorful screen comes up, but it
pretty much ignores the keyboard. Also,
once the colorful screen is on for a few
minutes, it goes into a sort "gryed-out"
appearance, and the device does does not
respond at all.
So, first of all I would like to get the
device to a state where it respond to
mouse and keyboard input, without any
freezing over. I believe the power supply
has more than enough juice for the board
to support the mouse, keyboard etc.,
Any hints, suggestions would be of immense help.
Thanks in advance.

Is it a rev 1 or rev 2 board? There have been issues with IR drop across
resettable fuses. Rev 2 has a single resettable fuse at the 5V input. Rev
1 had two additional resettable fuses down-stream, powering the two USB
sockets. Some USB keyboards draw surprisingly large currents. On a rev 1
board, I found it necessary to replace the USB fuses with wire links when
using a Wi-Fi dongle. Obviously, doing so invalidated my warranty! Some
people use powered USB hubs.

You might also try the standard Raspbian distro to start with, just to
check-out the hardware setup.

I'm developing an embedded application on a "head-less" Model A. Head-less
means no monitor connected, going in over SSH and FTP. Initially, I had to
connect an Ethernet cable; but now I have Wi-Fi configured.

Jasen Betts

Is it a rev 1 or rev 2 board? There have been issues with IR drop across
resettable fuses. Rev 2 has a single resettable fuse at the 5V input. Rev
1 had two additional resettable fuses down-stream, powering the two USB
sockets. Some USB keyboards draw surprisingly large currents. On a rev 1
board, I found it necessary to replace the USB fuses with wire links when
using a Wi-Fi dongle. Obviously, doing so invalidated my warranty! Some
people use powered USB hubs.

I'm using a powered hub both to power the raspi and to run the main
peripherals, mine's revision 1, unmodified, so I can't back-feed
the power
I'm developing an embedded application on a "head-less" Model A. Head-less
means no monitor connected, going in over SSH and FTP. Initially, I had to
connect an Ethernet cable; but now I have Wi-Fi configured.

another way to configure them is to pull the SD card and plug it into
a reader on a real computer and just edit it there. (easier on a linux
desktop than windos, but I hear thet there are tools for windows that
can handle ext2fs)
IME a robust and stable power supply is critical to Pi functionality. Can't beat a 5A linear supply connected by short leads via the pi's GPIO pins.
You say you're happy with your PSU but have you examined the voltage levels under test conditions? The pi has a very narrow range of supply voltage it will work with and the symptoms you describe sound PSU related to me. Been there; done that.


Yes it works.
It is all your fault


I get sick of this kind of rudeness in the groups. if you don't have
anything useful to say, why not keep it to yourself?

My apologies to Vladimir Vassilevsky for stealing his MO.