Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone got a iwatsu SS-5702 20MHz oscilloscope manual/instructions/schematic?

Hello =)

Desperately after an instruction manual (for repair)/schematics for an iwatsu SS-5702 20MHz dual-channel oscilloscope. Cannot find anything anywhere on the interwebs. Any ideas?


SS5702 Manual

Service Manual for SS5702A is fairly easy to find but am not sure if the schematics are the same. (I have a copy here)

SS5702 Operation Manual, I have sections 1 - 6 but not last 2 sections which is schematics and parts list (still trying to locate these). Have had my scope for 3 years now and has taken me 3 years to find information so far, without having to resort to paying silly money. Considering there are quite a lot of these scopes still being used, I have been very surprised and frustrated this info is not easier to find.


now have all parts available
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Service Manual for SS5702A is fairly easy to find but am not sure if the schematics are the same. (I have a copy here)

SS5702 Operation Manual, I have sections 1 - 6 but not last 2 sections which is schematics and parts list (still trying to locate these). Have had my scope for 3 years now and has taken me 3 years to find information so far, without having to resort to paying silly money. Considering there are quite a lot of these scopes still being used, I have been very surprised and frustrated this info is not easier to find.


now have all parts available

Brilliant. Is there any way that you could e-mail the parts of the manual that you have to me? Even if it doesn't have schematics, it might help :)

Kind regards,

can you pm me with email address, am unable to pm you, being a new member with low postings.

I now have complete manual (at long last!)
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Brilliant. Is there any way that you could e-mail the parts of the manual that you have to me? Even if it doesn't have schematics, it might help :)

Kind regards,


Have sent you email, please note SAFETY FIRST when poking around inside, HIGH VOLTAGES MAY BE PRESENT even when swtiched off !!!
(remember capacitors store energy)
Have sent you email, please note SAFETY FIRST when poking around inside, HIGH VOLTAGES MAY BE PRESENT even when swtiched off !!!
(remember capacitors store energy)

Am being careful, left it turned off & plugged in for a few hours first, and am avoiding high voltage areas. Thank you so much for all that, its already helped masses and I haven't even finished reading it :)