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Maker Pro

Anyone else waiting on Christmas?

I don't know about you, but I got my Dr. Who fix this year - I watched all of the current Dr. Who going back to Chris Eccelston! Eagerly anticipating the Christmas special, although, the new doctor is a bit of wanker. I think the feel of this entire series was one of youthful energy and exploration - Who wants to see that crotchety beast doing the eyebrows?! Bring back the young Dr's!!
-End of Rant-


looking forward to the xmas to new year break
heading to the "Red Centre" of Australia to look at a BIG red rock ;) .....


That is the original European name for the rock
these days it is better know by its Aboriginal name Uluru

looking forward to getting some awesome pix like above

You want to see a lot of red rock, next time you're in the States, check out Sedona, Arizona. The entire area is red rock.
An hour or two north of there, you might want to see the Grand Canyon, lots of layers of multi-colored rock there.
My kids (yound adults) keep telling me this 'Guardians of the Galaxy' movie can't be missed. They pre-ordered it on-line for me, and
I'm waiting for it's arrival. If the kids tell me it's worth seeing, they're usually right.
I've found that the Dr,. Who's I've seen, are pretty-much dependant on who's playing the Dr. Who.
I agree wanker Dr. Who's, are a let-down.


You want to see a lot of red rock, next time you're in the States, check out Sedona, Arizona. The entire area is red rock.

been there :)


An hour or two north of there, you might want to see the Grand Canyon, lots of layers of multi-colored rock there

and there :)

060530 (4765) Grand Canyon AZ.jpg

and the Painted Forest in AZ ... all the petrified trees, and Meteor Crater

060529 (4630) Petrified Forest estrn AZ.jpg

The USA has some awesome scenery


yup, I don't know of anywhere else in the world that you can see so many petrified tree remains, an amazing place

where are you from Electric Al ?