Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone Else Read This?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Assuming she had a 200 lumen/W LED, that's 120mW. It's still a reasonable accomplishment.

The next issue will be that people will complain their hand gets cold and want to wear a glove. :D


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Just so there's no misinterpretation. I was referring to the author's human interest, as apposed to the scientific approach to the article. I guess I've become too accustomed to technical details & linked references as found at Wikipedia. Yeah, I know it's too much to ask..:D

Tbh I don't find this very impressive, I'm 3 years younger than her and used a thermopile hung over an oil lamp to run some LEDs around the house when the power was out (for 2 weeks) so what's so impressive about doing the same with the warmth of your hands.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Tbh I don't find this very impressive, I'm 3 years younger than her and used a thermopile hung over an oil lamp to run some LEDs around the house when the power was out (for 2 weeks) so what's so impressive about doing the same with the warmth of your hands.

Do you stand while peeing?

Do you stand while peeing?


The ****? I'm just saying it's not very impressive that someone can put a few leds a resistor and a thermocouple/pile together. I mean seriously, it's like that time a 10 year old girl got on CNET because she "hacked" farmville by changing the clock on her smartphone!
They should just focus on people who make the real innovations.

Here's a link to the story about the girl,
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
There's nothing in your profile to give me a clue. Do you understand why I asked what seemed to be an irrelevant and ridiculous question?

There's nothing in your profile to give me a clue. Do you understand why I asked what seemed to be an irrelevant and ridiculous question?


Yes I do get it but you could have asked it in a more "normal" manner the answer is that I do stand up when I p*ss (you *****)
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Yes I do get it

Oops! I guess you're not destined to achieve tenure here.

Since this individual seems to have emotional issues the following tip will not be of any use to him. For all other young men please read this scenario.

The scene is a science fair competition. There are well over 100 junior engineers displaying their genius. Included in the 100 contestants is only 1 female. Her project could dwarf or epic fail in comparison to her competition. It really doesn't matter. The media on the scene will inexplicably gravitate to that lone female regardless of her genius or lack of it.

Message to young men:

Everything changed in the mid 60's. Discrimination didn't end, it just switched places. Ever wonder why the ranking officer on the scene of COPS is always female? Odds are that the five other officers on the scene have far more time in grade but she's the one with all the stripes.

The term "Affirmative Action" is discrimination with a different name. You're either going to have to just suck it up or do your best to change it.

Less time gaming and texting will afford you more time paying attention to the 'real' things that affect your lives. I'm trying to impress this on my 20 year old grandson but I don't think I'm getting through because he's always distracted by his damn smartphone!

Ah, the old reverse discrimination argument. Sorry, I don't buy it.

This echoes conversations I heard aplenty in the 80s and 90s. The poor downtrodden white man, just can't get a break because everyone else is getting preferential treatment. But if that's the case, why do we still dominate so many top echelon positions?

Look, I'm not saying all of us are created equal or that I expect to see an equal number of any specific demographic on high ranking positions. I'm just saying I don't buy the argument that we males are the new oppressed class.
This is turning into a political discussion. But you should realise that the UK is considering legislation to force companies to have a certain percentage of woman in very senior management positions. What is strange is that the same percentages are not required for road workers.
There are organisations promoting the privileges of all groupings except white, heterosexual, working, healthy, tax paying males.
So some level of feeling discrimination is probably justified.
No doubt it must seem that way. But you're right, such political discussions are best kept to appropriate forums.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Please feel free to believe whatever you like. There are many careers that women can perform equal to or better than a man. Jan Alexson did not need or use affirmative action. She's brilliant on her own accord. This fact does not change the political climate of this issue though. Sex, race, whatever, should be verboten as a factor. No exceptions. Merit should be the only factor.


Edit: This is the "General Electronics Chat" section. Yes, the Members Lounge would be more apropos but I started this thread here because it began as an electronics design topic.
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look, I'm sorry CDRIVE for saying that. It was 3 AM and I was kinda pissed and I won't say why.
I regretted saying that pretty quickly.