Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone able to tell me what this is?

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Evening all, new to the forum and found it in desperation.
I have an electric motor which is built as 3 phase sold by the manufacturer as single phase using what looks like a giant capacitor.
When trying to work out where to connect the power, I've been stumped.
The crimp block(?) that I've attached photos of has a bunch of connections but I can't work out what the internals will look like. I tried to bell it out but found that some terminals are connected but not shown as connected on the sticker on the side.
Any assistance or advise would be great!

IMG_6662.JPG IMG_6663.JPG IMG_6664.JPG

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I did have a look under the foam but nothing there.
The only other label on it has:
200...250V COD 102836

Not sure that helps a lot.
What is powering the unit 1ph or 3ph?
If 1ph does the motor reverse in operation?
Is this a stand-alone unit or part of a machine?
Anymore information on where it came from and it intended use?
Is there a capacitor associated with the motor?
IMG_6660.JPG Supposed to be 1ph supply. It's a motor I purchased to fit to an old pillar drill.
Best I can tell it's a CEMP IE3 motor but I've looked at the manual for it and there's no proper wiring diagram or mention of this component. I've attached a photo of the internals.
So today I've managed to find out that this is likely to be a contactor. That said, I'm not really any closer to knowing where to connect the power leads. Is there a standard layout to them I.e. Pins 1-3 are + and - then the pins below are coms type connections?
Hola la conexion de la fase y el neutro es en los pines 8 y 9 de la fila inferior. Cuando pueda te envio una foto de como lo tengo yo conectado.
¿Has localizado informacion sobre la pastilla 2K4368? Si es asi te ruego me la envies por este post.
Gracias y un saludo

Hello the connection of the phase and the neutral is in pins 8 and 9 of the bottom row. When I can I send you a photo of how I have it connected.
Have you located information about the 2K4368 pill? If so, I beg you to send it to me for this post.
Thanks and best regards
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I would look at the name plate on the motor itself and look for it's diagram and figure your connections based on that. There could be a diagram on the junction box cover also.
Guillermo says power goes to terminals 8 and 9 but his wiring is completely different than yours. Don't guess at it, try to draw up a sketch of where the wires go and it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
no entiendo por que dices que el cableado es completamente diferente es la misma pastilla y tiene las mismas conexiones no hay ningun diagrama en el motor, por eso pregunta . Mi motor funciona cableado tal y como ya he explicado y no hablo de oidas como otros.

I do not understand why you say that the wiring is completely different is the same pad and has the same connections there is no diagram in the engine, so ask. My engine works wired as I have explained and I do not speak about others like others.
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Guillermo, creo lo que nos dices, pero el cableado general que se muestra en tu imagen difiere claramente del original.
Cuando se trata de cableado, nunca es una buena idea aplicar potencia sin verificar primero todas las conexiones.

Guillermo, I believe what you are telling us, but the overall wiring shown in your picture clearly differs from the original.
When it comes to wiring, it is never a good idea to apply power without first verifying all the connections.
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