Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anybody tried one of these "anti radiation devices? ;)


Skybuck Flying

Perhaps the start of the text is true about electromagnetic fields and
perhaps effect of it on body, but then it goes on with photon stuff...

But then it goes onto how we are all "holograms" and "photons" and how there
are different photons, stable ones and random ones or something... and how
the solution to radiation is "stablizing" photons ? and it uses "crystal
quarts" to make it stable ? or generate fields ?!? Sounds a bit hocus pocus
the last part... but could be some thruth in it...

Anybody tried one of these ? ;)

^ Nice story though.

Story here in case it goes down:

How much thruth is in it do you think ? ;)


by: Hall, Joe

Joe Hall is the founder of Clarus Systems in San Clemente California. For
the past 20 years, he has explored the effects of man-made electromagnetic
field (EMF) radiation on human health and psychology, and has developed a
family of devices to neutralize these negative effects and restore our own
energy field to create healthier home, work and personal environments, and
less stress and fatigue. Clarus Technology has been used by Bell Atlantic to
reduce soft memory errors on stressed computer systems. Clarus Coherent
Polarizing Field Effect "aligns" random charged particles (non-binary
photons) associated with all EMF frequencies to produce an infinitely small
trace of coherent binary photons.

SOURCES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION In the last six years, our research
group has made a lot of breakthroughs in understanding how electromagnetic
fields affect living systems, not just humans, but plants, animals, and all
living systems. Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) come from everything that
uses electricity in our world today. Every light fixture generates an EMF.
Fluorescent lights at work or even in your home have transformers. The three
biggest sources of electromagnetic radiation in our environment are
transformers, either stepping up voltage or stepping down voltage.
Fluorescent lights use step-up transformers to step the voltage up because
they use much higher voltage than ordinary incandescent lights. An example
of a step-down transformer would be halogen lighting which use much lower
voltage. The neighbourhood transformers that step down voltage from the
higher voltage neighbourhood distribution lines that bring electricity to
our homes are step-down transformers and they generate very strong
electromagnetic radiation fields. Another large source of EMF's in our
environment are motors. Any electric motor generates very very strong EM
radiation, for example an electric shaver. In fact, studies have shown that
just a few minutes exposure to that kind of a field will affect you for more
than 24 hours.

category of what we call extremely low frequency fields or ELFs. Generally,
anything that is working off the utility grid, things you plug in to the
electrical plugs in your home and office, generate extremely low frequency
fields defined as 60 cycles or less alternating current. That is the classic
definition of ELF. However, modern electronics, TV's, stereo systems and
computers, all the electronics generate high frequency fields when they are
plugged in. Appliances generate higher frequency fields as well. The other
big source of very very strong fields are cathode ray tubes, video display
terminals, TV's monitors, all those kinds of things.

EMF AND THE PINEAL GLAND How many of you remember your parents saying don't
sit too close to the television? What do we do when we work on computers?
How close do we sit? Right up next to it. Most people working in front of a
computer are eventually going to become environmentally sensitive because
the pineal gland is chronically stressed, not only when we are sitting in
front of the computer, but all the time. We are exposed to electromagnetic
radiation every waking, sleeping moment, every moment of our lives. The only
time you are not chronically exposed to EM radiation is when you are out in
a wilderness area, far, far away. When you hike in the wilderness you feel
different. When you camp, you sleep fantastically well, you are emotionally
balanced and mentally clear.

MELATONIN The most sensitive part of your body to EM radiation is your eyes
and the pineal gland. The pineal gland controls all the hormonal balances in
your body. One of the most important hormones it controls is melatonin. Many
people have multiple chemical sensitivities, or environmental illnesses -
they are universal reactors who have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. All
these things have been closely linked to low melatonin. Melatonin is related
to the day or night sleep cycle and to jet lag when we travel by plane. Some
people take melatonin so their body can reset itself more easily because
that is exactly what melatonin does. When the pineal gland is stressed,
melatonin levels go down, and the first thing that occurs is sleep problems.
In addition, our immune system's ability to target chemicals in the body and
metabolize them safely out of the body is decreased because melatonin does
that for us. Our exposure to chemicals in our environment is unfortunately
rapidly increasing every day. The other thing that melatonin does is help
the body find abnormal cell growth. There have been media reports about the
relationship between EMF and cancer. We don't think there is a direct
relationship, but there may be an indirect relationship because EMF's put
stress on the body and reduce the immune system's ability to deal normally
with abnormal cell growth.

HIGH FREQUENCY FIELDS (HF) Examples of high frequency fields are microwave
ovens, cellular phones, all wireless forms of communication, and TV and
radio broadcasts. According to one top British researcher quoted in Reader's
Digest 1980, who specializes in studying the negative effects of EM fields
on human energy, the most rapidly growing forms of communications
proliferating on this planet today are wireless, satellite, microwaves, and
cellular. In the article, he stated that according to his research from 1940
to 1980, our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation in industrialized
countries has increased by a factor of 100 million times. You feel more
stressed today than you did ten years ago because EMF's are still inundating
us at a rapidly proliferating rate.

EMF'S CAUSE STRESS The physical body becomes stressed in ways we can
directly measure. If we sent 1,000 people to a wilderness area and
instrumented them with electromyography (EKG sensors) to read muscle tension
and stress levels in their bodies over a 15 minute period, we would find
that some would be relaxed and some stressed out. If we then induced
artificially made electromagnetic radiation similar to that in a properly
wired suburban home (one-half to one milligauss per square meter), we would
see a big jump in everybody's stress level, a direct physiological response.
Then if we increased the level to three to five milligauss per square meter
as we might find in an office environment with all the fluorescent lights,
computers, fax machines and copy machines, all that great stuff, we will see
another big jump in stress levels. Maybe that's why people don't like to
work very much, and why our work is so stressful. We live in a totally
different world than our grandparents did. Every new cellular phone added to
the environment you live in creates more physical stress in your life, and
when the physical body is stressed, the emotional body goes into tunnel
vision, into survival mode.

When we have a lot of magnetic radiation passing through us with a lot of
random sub-particles, creating an enormous irritation to the limbic brain,
the limbic brain perceives that as omni-directional low-grade physical
threat to our survival. That invokes an adrenal response. Virtually 99% of
people who live in industrialized countries have weak adrenal systems
because we are constantly under assault. Do cellular phone companies care
about this? Do the computer manufacturers and utility companies care about
this? They should because they live in the same environment that we do. They
have children who are being affected.

has two components. There is a weak electrical field and a strong magnetic
field. The electrical field, for example from your computer, goes out maybe
one or two inches. This shows up as static, or positive ions, and attracts
dust to your screen. Actually, both the electric and magnetic fields are
full of random sub-particles, but the stronger field, the magnetic field
travels at right angles to the magnetic field and goes out typically 10 or
20 times as far. The magnetic field affects us more strongly, and passes
through virtually all materials; it goes through things like lead very
easily. So if you have a screen in front of your computer to protect
yourself from radiation, it's not protecting you at all from the magnetic
field even though it may be called an "anti-rad" screen. It is only
protecting you from the electrical field.
If you live in an apartment, the magnetic fields from your neighbours' TV's,
computers, appliances, and microwaves are right on the other side of your
wall, could even be on the other side of where you sleep, going right
through into your living space from above, below and from both sides. When
you are in your office sitting at your desk, there could be a fluorescent
fixture right below you. Telephone switching systems have huge magnetic
fields. They might be right on the other side of the wall from you and may
eventually cause your system to break down.

PROPERTIES OF EMF'S Electromagnetic radiation is a frequency which is a
perfect sine wave of energy passing through every cell of your body every
second of the day. The sources of electromagnetic radiation are multiple and
they are coupled. These frequencies in turn are made up of sub-particles
called electrons and photons. Photons in quantum physics are thought of as
packets or bits of information. They are either on or off, yes or no. They
are binary. That is how they carry information. Some of these photons are
coherent and some of them are random. If all the photons were coherent, your
television and computer would feel incredibly good to you. This is passing
through every cell in your body, and it would feel great if it were totally
organized. Unfortunately the random photons have a lot of noise, or random
sub-particle energy, associated with them.

THE BIO-ENERGY FIELD The body has an energy field - more accurately, the
bio-energy field has a body. That bio-energy field is a field of light
encoded information. In the ancient Celtic tradition they had a word for
photon called "lutz" or light encoded information. You can think of that
bioenergy field as a holographic image of yourself. There is a holographic
image of yourself for every cell in your body, every molecule in your body,
and one for all of you. We relate to this physical body as reality just as
we relate to this table as reality. Literally they are holographic
morphogenic images of energy. There is a vast distance in between every
nucleus of the atom and its electrons, and in between there is just vacuum,
space, nothing else. That is what physical reality is made up of. So
literally, our bodies are really holographic images. Holographic images of
reality are held together by photons that carry information that tell
everything above them, the electrons and the atoms, and everything below
them where they need to be and what they need to do. Photons remember where
everything is. They have memory and they have information carrying

radiation is very simple. It is basically getting the photons to make up
their minds, to realize who they are, linking the photons to their higher
self, organizing them. This would allow the photons to have a frequency wave
form that is infinitely coherent and infinitely small passing through you
transparently. These coherent fields make everything more of what it is. It
is not creating any specialized effect one way or the other. Everything is
more defined. Everything works better. Our research group stumbled upon this
theory through a series of interesting accidental discoveries.

We have the ability to create fields in crystals and in circuit boards which
have a lot of crystalline material in them like silicone, and cause these
devices when they are plugged in to create fields which are non-Hertzian
subtle energy fields that literally polarize random photons. They potentiate
them and accelerate them one way or the other to produce a coherent energy
field instead of a random energy field. We discovered that when you add a
quartz crystal oscillator to the circuit, it starts polarizing to your
unique bioenergy field signature. Crystals have the property of being able
to stabilize and amplify our energy fields or any energy fields. That is why
tiny chips of crystal are used in computers. That is why quartz clocks are
based on quartz crystals, so that when you apply an electrical charge to
them, they amplify it or they oscillate at a very specific frequency.

THE CLARUS SYSTEM DEVICES Our main system for homes, the home device, uses a
quartz crystal oscillator, and has a clock display built into it, so that
you can use it as a clock. People like that because they can take it to work
and it looks just like a clock, not some weird thing that people ask about.
It has an effective radius of 35 feet, so that if you have a little home, it
would go beyond, and the neighbours close to you would have some benefit. We
have a little device called a Power Clear system that looks like a surge
protector for computers. When you use this device on a computer, you will
feel instantly different. By the end of the first day, you will have so much
more energy, and much less eye strain. It is good for your computer as well.
We have a product called the Q-link which you can wear around your neck. We
also have a device for cars. And we have an advanced home or office system
that has a 50 foot radius.

WE ARE ALL ELECTROMAGNETIC BEINGS The human body grounds electromagnetic
radiation in the environment because of the electrical conductivity of our
body. It is attracted to us. All living systems are based on electromagnetic
energy. Every cell in your body is generating an electromagnetic field,
every plant, every rock, the planet itself, the whole universe is made up of
energy. It is true that man-made electromagnetic radiation is not the only
source of random photons in the environment, but the problem is these
frequencies which we have never encountered before are a whole different
spectrum of frequencies than the living system uses.

* * *

BIOTRONIX products for protection against electromagnetic pollution are
available at Consumer Health Organization. The BioShield is worn around your
neck and harmonizes your frequency with the earth's frequency; the Power
Shield is a 6-outlet power bar to shield electromagnetic interference in
your home.



Vince Morgan

Skybuck Flying said:
Perhaps the start of the text is true about electromagnetic fields and
perhaps effect of it on body, but then it goes on with photon stuff...

But then it goes onto how we are all "holograms" and "photons" and how there
are different photons, stable ones and random ones or something... and how
the solution to radiation is "stablizing" photons ? and it uses "crystal
quarts" to make it stable ? or generate fields ?!? Sounds a bit hocus pocus
the last part... but could be some thruth in it...

Anybody tried one of these ? ;)
An advertisment appeared in the Canberra Times some years ago. The "Crystal
Shop" (Shop that sells crystals for health. Not t's real name) will be
closed for two weeks due to illness.
True story.


"Skybuck Flying" wrote in message

Perhaps the start of the text is true about electromagnetic fields and
perhaps effect of it on body, but then it goes on with photon stuff...

But then it goes onto how we are all "holograms" and "photons" and how there
are different photons, stable ones and random ones or something... and how
the solution to radiation is "stablizing" photons ? and it uses "crystal
quarts" to make it stable ? or generate fields ?!? Sounds a bit hocus pocus
the last part... but could be some thruth in it...

Anybody tried one of these ? ;)

^ Nice story though.

Story here in case it goes down:

How much thruth is in it do you think ? ;)


by: Hall, Joe

Joe Hall is the founder of Clarus Systems in San Clemente California. For
the past 20 years, he has explored the effects of man-made electromagnetic
field (EMF) radiation on human health and psychology, and has developed a
family of devices to neutralize these negative effects and restore our own
energy field to create healthier home, work and personal environments, and
less stress and fatigue. Clarus Technology has been used by Bell Atlantic to
reduce soft memory errors on stressed computer systems. Clarus Coherent
Polarizing Field Effect "aligns" random charged particles (non-binary
photons) associated with all EMF frequencies to produce an infinitely small
trace of coherent binary photons.

SOURCES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION In the last six years, our research
group has made a lot of breakthroughs in understanding how electromagnetic
fields affect living systems, not just humans, but plants, animals, and all
living systems. Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) come from everything that
uses electricity in our world today. Every light fixture generates an EMF.
Fluorescent lights at work or even in your home have transformers. The three
biggest sources of electromagnetic radiation in our environment are
transformers, either stepping up voltage or stepping down voltage.
Fluorescent lights use step-up transformers to step the voltage up because
they use much higher voltage than ordinary incandescent lights. An example
of a step-down transformer would be halogen lighting which use much lower
voltage. The neighbourhood transformers that step down voltage from the
higher voltage neighbourhood distribution lines that bring electricity to
our homes are step-down transformers and they generate very strong
electromagnetic radiation fields. Another large source of EMF's in our
environment are motors. Any electric motor generates very very strong EM
radiation, for example an electric shaver. In fact, studies have shown that
just a few minutes exposure to that kind of a field will affect you for more
than 24 hours.

category of what we call extremely low frequency fields or ELFs. Generally,
anything that is working off the utility grid, things you plug in to the
electrical plugs in your home and office, generate extremely low frequency
fields defined as 60 cycles or less alternating current. That is the classic
definition of ELF. However, modern electronics, TV's, stereo systems and
computers, all the electronics generate high frequency fields when they are
plugged in. Appliances generate higher frequency fields as well. The other
big source of very very strong fields are cathode ray tubes, video display
terminals, TV's monitors, all those kinds of things.

EMF AND THE PINEAL GLAND How many of you remember your parents saying don't
sit too close to the television? What do we do when we work on computers?
How close do we sit? Right up next to it. Most people working in front of a
computer are eventually going to become environmentally sensitive because
the pineal gland is chronically stressed, not only when we are sitting in
front of the computer, but all the time. We are exposed to electromagnetic
radiation every waking, sleeping moment, every moment of our lives. The only
time you are not chronically exposed to EM radiation is when you are out in
a wilderness area, far, far away. When you hike in the wilderness you feel
different. When you camp, you sleep fantastically well, you are emotionally
balanced and mentally clear.

MELATONIN The most sensitive part of your body to EM radiation is your eyes
and the pineal gland. The pineal gland controls all the hormonal balances in
your body. One of the most important hormones it controls is melatonin. Many
people have multiple chemical sensitivities, or environmental illnesses -
they are universal reactors who have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. All
these things have been closely linked to low melatonin. Melatonin is related
to the day or night sleep cycle and to jet lag when we travel by plane. Some
people take melatonin so their body can reset itself more easily because
that is exactly what melatonin does. When the pineal gland is stressed,
melatonin levels go down, and the first thing that occurs is sleep problems.
In addition, our immune system's ability to target chemicals in the body and
metabolize them safely out of the body is decreased because melatonin does
that for us. Our exposure to chemicals in our environment is unfortunately
rapidly increasing every day. The other thing that melatonin does is help
the body find abnormal cell growth. There have been media reports about the
relationship between EMF and cancer. We don't think there is a direct
relationship, but there may be an indirect relationship because EMF's put
stress on the body and reduce the immune system's ability to deal normally
with abnormal cell growth.

HIGH FREQUENCY FIELDS (HF) Examples of high frequency fields are microwave
ovens, cellular phones, all wireless forms of communication, and TV and
radio broadcasts. According to one top British researcher quoted in Reader's
Digest 1980, who specializes in studying the negative effects of EM fields
on human energy, the most rapidly growing forms of communications
proliferating on this planet today are wireless, satellite, microwaves, and
cellular. In the article, he stated that according to his research from 1940
to 1980, our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation in industrialized
countries has increased by a factor of 100 million times. You feel more
stressed today than you did ten years ago because EMF's are still inundating
us at a rapidly proliferating rate.

EMF'S CAUSE STRESS The physical body becomes stressed in ways we can
directly measure. If we sent 1,000 people to a wilderness area and
instrumented them with electromyography (EKG sensors) to read muscle tension
and stress levels in their bodies over a 15 minute period, we would find
that some would be relaxed and some stressed out. If we then induced
artificially made electromagnetic radiation similar to that in a properly
wired suburban home (one-half to one milligauss per square meter), we would
see a big jump in everybody's stress level, a direct physiological response.
Then if we increased the level to three to five milligauss per square meter
as we might find in an office environment with all the fluorescent lights,
computers, fax machines and copy machines, all that great stuff, we will see
another big jump in stress levels. Maybe that's why people don't like to
work very much, and why our work is so stressful. We live in a totally
different world than our grandparents did. Every new cellular phone added to
the environment you live in creates more physical stress in your life, and
when the physical body is stressed, the emotional body goes into tunnel
vision, into survival mode.

When we have a lot of magnetic radiation passing through us with a lot of
random sub-particles, creating an enormous irritation to the limbic brain,
the limbic brain perceives that as omni-directional low-grade physical
threat to our survival. That invokes an adrenal response. Virtually 99% of
people who live in industrialized countries have weak adrenal systems
because we are constantly under assault. Do cellular phone companies care
about this? Do the computer manufacturers and utility companies care about
this? They should because they live in the same environment that we do. They
have children who are being affected.

has two components. There is a weak electrical field and a strong magnetic
field. The electrical field, for example from your computer, goes out maybe
one or two inches. This shows up as static, or positive ions, and attracts
dust to your screen. Actually, both the electric and magnetic fields are
full of random sub-particles, but the stronger field, the magnetic field
travels at right angles to the magnetic field and goes out typically 10 or
20 times as far. The magnetic field affects us more strongly, and passes
through virtually all materials; it goes through things like lead very
easily. So if you have a screen in front of your computer to protect
yourself from radiation, it's not protecting you at all from the magnetic
field even though it may be called an "anti-rad" screen. It is only
protecting you from the electrical field.
If you live in an apartment, the magnetic fields from your neighbours' TV's,
computers, appliances, and microwaves are right on the other side of your
wall, could even be on the other side of where you sleep, going right
through into your living space from above, below and from both sides. When
you are in your office sitting at your desk, there could be a fluorescent
fixture right below you. Telephone switching systems have huge magnetic
fields. They might be right on the other side of the wall from you and may
eventually cause your system to break down.

PROPERTIES OF EMF'S Electromagnetic radiation is a frequency which is a
perfect sine wave of energy passing through every cell of your body every
second of the day. The sources of electromagnetic radiation are multiple and
they are coupled. These frequencies in turn are made up of sub-particles
called electrons and photons. Photons in quantum physics are thought of as
packets or bits of information. They are either on or off, yes or no. They
are binary. That is how they carry information. Some of these photons are
coherent and some of them are random. If all the photons were coherent, your
television and computer would feel incredibly good to you. This is passing
through every cell in your body, and it would feel great if it were totally
organized. Unfortunately the random photons have a lot of noise, or random
sub-particle energy, associated with them.

THE BIO-ENERGY FIELD The body has an energy field - more accurately, the
bio-energy field has a body. That bio-energy field is a field of light
encoded information. In the ancient Celtic tradition they had a word for
photon called "lutz" or light encoded information. You can think of that
bioenergy field as a holographic image of yourself. There is a holographic
image of yourself for every cell in your body, every molecule in your body,
and one for all of you. We relate to this physical body as reality just as
we relate to this table as reality. Literally they are holographic
morphogenic images of energy. There is a vast distance in between every
nucleus of the atom and its electrons, and in between there is just vacuum,
space, nothing else. That is what physical reality is made up of. So
literally, our bodies are really holographic images. Holographic images of
reality are held together by photons that carry information that tell
everything above them, the electrons and the atoms, and everything below
them where they need to be and what they need to do. Photons remember where
everything is. They have memory and they have information carrying

radiation is very simple. It is basically getting the photons to make up
their minds, to realize who they are, linking the photons to their higher
self, organizing them. This would allow the photons to have a frequency wave
form that is infinitely coherent and infinitely small passing through you
transparently. These coherent fields make everything more of what it is. It
is not creating any specialized effect one way or the other. Everything is
more defined. Everything works better. Our research group stumbled upon this
theory through a series of interesting accidental discoveries.

We have the ability to create fields in crystals and in circuit boards which
have a lot of crystalline material in them like silicone, and cause these
devices when they are plugged in to create fields which are non-Hertzian
subtle energy fields that literally polarize random photons. They potentiate
them and accelerate them one way or the other to produce a coherent energy
field instead of a random energy field. We discovered that when you add a
quartz crystal oscillator to the circuit, it starts polarizing to your
unique bioenergy field signature. Crystals have the property of being able
to stabilize and amplify our energy fields or any energy fields. That is why
tiny chips of crystal are used in computers. That is why quartz clocks are
based on quartz crystals, so that when you apply an electrical charge to
them, they amplify it or they oscillate at a very specific frequency.

THE CLARUS SYSTEM DEVICES Our main system for homes, the home device, uses a
quartz crystal oscillator, and has a clock display built into it, so that
you can use it as a clock. People like that because they can take it to work
and it looks just like a clock, not some weird thing that people ask about.
It has an effective radius of 35 feet, so that if you have a little home, it
would go beyond, and the neighbours close to you would have some benefit. We
have a little device called a Power Clear system that looks like a surge
protector for computers. When you use this device on a computer, you will
feel instantly different. By the end of the first day, you will have so much
more energy, and much less eye strain. It is good for your computer as well.
We have a product called the Q-link which you can wear around your neck. We
also have a device for cars. And we have an advanced home or office system
that has a 50 foot radius.

WE ARE ALL ELECTROMAGNETIC BEINGS The human body grounds electromagnetic
radiation in the environment because of the electrical conductivity of our
body. It is attracted to us. All living systems are based on electromagnetic
energy. Every cell in your body is generating an electromagnetic field,
every plant, every rock, the planet itself, the whole universe is made up of
energy. It is true that man-made electromagnetic radiation is not the only
source of random photons in the environment, but the problem is these
frequencies which we have never encountered before are a whole different
spectrum of frequencies than the living system uses.

* * *

BIOTRONIX products for protection against electromagnetic pollution are
available at Consumer Health Organization. The BioShield is worn around your
neck and harmonizes your frequency with the earth's frequency; the Power
Shield is a 6-outlet power bar to shield electromagnetic interference in
your home.



Maybe what you need is the Aluminum foil Deflector Beanie. Go to this web
It's good for electromagnetic fields and also to prevent those pesky aliens
from reading you mind or controlling you,I'm sure you've considered this
It's is also very stylish and would look appropriate on you.


Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

You should concentrate more on minimizing your exposure to neutrinos
by always orienting your body so it points directly toward the sun,
even at night.

That would not result in any less exposure to the ionizing effects

George Neuner

That would not result in any less exposure to the ionizing effects

It might ... depending on what exactly was meant by "orienting your
body so it points directly toward the sun".

In straight standing position and with head (or feet) pointed toward
the sun, the body subtends a smaller angle and presents a smaller
striking surface for particles originating from the sun. Presuming
that neutrino emissions radiate equally in all directions (which
likely is true on average if not instantaneously), the smaller surface
will be struck by fewer particles.

However, some neutrinos arrive from deep space and exposure to those
likely would not change due to orientation.


Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

It might ... depending on what exactly was meant by "orienting your
body so it points directly toward the sun".

In straight standing position and with head (or feet) pointed toward
the sun, the body subtends a smaller angle and presents a smaller
striking surface for particles originating from the sun. Presuming
that neutrino emissions radiate equally in all directions (which
likely is true on average if not instantaneously), the smaller surface
will be struck by fewer particles.

However, some neutrinos arrive from deep space and exposure to those
likely would not change due to orientation.


Think neutrinos through volume of body rather than surface area

George Neuner

Think neutrinos through volume of body rather than surface area

I am. The major source of neutrinos is the sun. The surface area
presented to the source affects the number of particles passing
through the volume beneath.


Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

I am. The major source of neutrinos is the sun. The surface area
presented to the source affects the number of particles passing
through the volume beneath.


And absorption depends upon volume, not surface area.
Head facing the sun, fewer neutrinos but through a larger depth.
At right angles to the sun, more neutrinos through lesser depth.
It cancels out