Maker Pro
Maker Pro

any repair shops in n.e.p.a.?

okay, i'm new to this so please bare with me?

i have a phillips stereo model #fwr7r3 701 that i just don't want to get rid of. it was working up until i moved over a year ago with no problems at all, but after being stored in a shed it doesn't want to work now. does anyone know of any place in the north east pennsylvania area that works on stereos and are reasonable with their prices. i was told that it could be the transformer and believe me, if i had a 2nd stereo that had problems with it but worked i'd swap the part out.:( can anyone please help me with this one??? please send me a message since i'm new to this site and not sure of how often i'll be in here. thank you.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
okay, i'm new to this so please bare with me?

An intriguing suggestion. :eek: However I'm not sure those words mean what you think they mean. :D

i have a phillips stereo model #fwr7r3 701 that i just don't want to get rid of. it was working up until i moved over a year ago with no problems at all, but after being stored in a shed it doesn't want to work now. does anyone know of any place in the north east pennsylvania area that works on stereos and are reasonable with their prices. i was told that it could be the transformer and believe me, if i had a 2nd stereo that had problems with it but worked i'd swap the part out.:( can anyone please help me with this one??? please send me a message since i'm new to this site and not sure of how often i'll be in here. thank you.

I can't help you with any place in anywhere in Pennsylvania.

What are the symptoms? If you're sufficiently skilled and motivated (and have some experience) it is possible we could diagnose the fault.

If it failed after storage, my best suggestions are that it's water damage, or insects, or even rodents. What they might have done is another issue...

I'm afraid you'll just have to come back to read this, sorry.
okay, i'm new to this so please bare with me?
We are all nice folks here. You do not have to offer to bare yourself for us to help you :D

Considering how much time some people here spend each day sitting on their rear ends in front of the computer, you definitely do not want them to get bare with you! Scary picture. What a scary picture. I need to go wash my eyes with soap and water :eek:

Some of us even help people with their homework and some are even willing to help teenagers find spectacular ways of killing themselves before they reach adulthood ;)

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@steve, when i brought my stereo inside the house i left it sit before plugging it back in, i left it sit a few more minutes before trying to turn it on. after i turned the stereo on it made some kind of a whining sound so i unplugged it. i waited another day or so then tried it again only to still get the whining sound. by the 4th day there was nothing! i explained what was going on to some man that was going to fix it for me and he's the one that diagnosed it as the transformer. unfortunately he moved too far and is unable to fix it at my parents' home nor am i able to go to him since i have no car.:confused:

no worries, thank you anyway. i just didn't want to get rid of it and get a new one since the newer stereos don't have a build in cd burner like mine does.

have a great holiday

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