Joel Koltner
Before I start dropping some decent fraction of a dollar per capacitor (sorry,
Joerg, the PCB layout guy claims he doesn't have room for electrolytics), I
was wondering if anyone here has had any problems (or successes) using regular
ceramic chip caps with X5R or X7R dielectrics as their main output capacitors
in a buck converter? I need ESR under 250milliohms, which -- while ceramic
caps don't normally spec this -- seems much higher than any guesstimate at ESR
I can make by looking at impedance graphs from the likes of AVX (my
guesstimates range from about 10-100milliohms depending on the particular cap
I look at). I'm looking for some tens of uF here... probably a 22uF cap would
work well.
Joerg, the PCB layout guy claims he doesn't have room for electrolytics), I
was wondering if anyone here has had any problems (or successes) using regular
ceramic chip caps with X5R or X7R dielectrics as their main output capacitors
in a buck converter? I need ESR under 250milliohms, which -- while ceramic
caps don't normally spec this -- seems much higher than any guesstimate at ESR
I can make by looking at impedance graphs from the likes of AVX (my
guesstimates range from about 10-100milliohms depending on the particular cap
I look at). I'm looking for some tens of uF here... probably a 22uF cap would
work well.