Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Any integrated circuits cookbook?

Hi everyone.

I know about the "TTL Cookbook" but that is published in the 1970s I think.

What I want is to know if there is an updated book on common ICs for beginners so we know what is out there that we can buy and adapt?

Some kind of integrated circuits cookbook?

Advice appreciated.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Check out the book reviews we have as a sticky somewhere. I don't recall a book of that nature on the list though.

One factor is that these days microcontrollers are far more powerful, flexible, and probably easier than raw logic that people don't go in for it so much.

Good luck in your search. If you find something put it in the book review thread.

edit: having said that, I'm sure that there were CMOS versions of this style of book (I'm sure I have one of them -- I'll look it up when I get home), but you're probably only up to the mid 1980's for them.
As far as I can see, the CMOS Cookbook is from 1997.
If you want to go into retro TTL, the TTL cookbook should be ok even today. There are few newer ICs in the TTL flavor.

For the CMOS variants you should get a cookbook, and then go to the different manufacturers websites to get updated information, on the current chips in use.
TI has a very good site for this: Where you can find loads of datasheets and application info on most types of logic, and all other ICs made by TI.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
IC Op-amp Cookbook 1978

Yes, I have a copy of the 19 reprinting dated 1997. And that was the one I was thinking about above.

I did have some other books dedicated to digital logic, but I believe they fell off the end of my library some years ago (sadly). For nostalgic reasons I live in hope that they're carefully filed in some boxes of old books.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Sorry, I can't beat 1969, but I have one from not long afterward that I still use.

I have almost been prepared to guard this book with my life. :) National Semiconductor's "CMOS Integrated Circuits" data book March 1975.

It is a collection of datasheets and application notes (including AN-118 and AN-140 which taught me heaps...). These days it's all on the internet, but in 1975 it was a goldmine.
Even an old-timer like me never saw the RTL Cookbook.

But my favourite, still in my library, is the IC Timer Cookbook by Walter G. Jung from 1983.