Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Any general electronics mags for hobbyists anymore?


Don Stauffer

Looks like Nuts & Volts seems to have disappeared. Can't get it at any
newsstands I used to.

Other than the remaining ham magazines, are there any other electronics
mags left for hobbyist?

Michael Black

Don said:
Looks like Nuts & Volts seems to have disappeared. Can't get it at any
newsstands I used to.
I saw an issue here the other day, when it did seem like it hadn't been
there for a few months. Perhaps they are suffering distribution problems.

Where you look may be important. They may not want to bother with
locations that aren't likely to get sales, or for that matter locations
may not want to bother with a magazine that takes up space on the racks
but won't sell well.

You can check their website, maybe even ask them if there are distribution
problems or a bigger problem:
Other than the remaining ham magazines, are there any other electronics
mags left for hobbyist?

Not in North America.


Rich Webb

Looks like Nuts & Volts seems to have disappeared. Can't get it at any
newsstands I used to.

Subscribe ... it's cheaper. There's also "Servo," a relative of Nuts &
Volts. Can't leave out Circuit Cellar.

Don Stauffer

Michael said:
I saw an issue here the other day, when it did seem like it hadn't been
there for a few months. Perhaps they are suffering distribution problems.

Where you look may be important. They may not want to bother with
locations that aren't likely to get sales, or for that matter locations
may not want to bother with a magazine that takes up space on the racks
but won't sell well.

You can check their website, maybe even ask them if there are distribution
problems or a bigger problem:

Not in North America.

The very day I posted this, my regular source had the latest issue. He
said indeed there had been some distribution problems.

Accessory Section 8

Rich said:
Subscribe ... it's cheaper. There's also "Servo," a relative of Nuts &
Volts. Can't leave out Circuit Cellar.

There are no more general interest US electronic magazines.

Elektor in Europe is your best bet except because they got in a
pissing match with Ed Dell you have to resort to subterfuge to get it.

The other English language magazines are from the UK. Electronics
World was the best but I no longer see it very often.


There is Silicon Chip (from Oz) - they have both online and paper



Hello, Don!
You wrote on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 08:57:02 -0500:

DS> Looks like Nuts & Volts seems to have disappeared. Can't get it at any
DS> newsstands I used to.

DS> Other than the remaining ham magazines, are there any other electronics
DS> mags left for hobbyist?

Here in the UK we still have EPE

Also available online here and they are offering a free issue to download
and check out.

I still see Electronics World in the newsagents, and we also get a mag for
the TV service trade which is still hanging on in there

but I think these days they are an endangered species.

With best regards, 3T39. E-mail: [email protected]