Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Any Fritzing users? Can you help explain whats going on?

Hi all,

I've been attempting to use Fritzing to design a circuit I want to put onto a PCB in the future.

I've set up the breadboard view to replicate my real-world breadboard, and i'm happy with it.

Going into the PCB view. I've located the items roughly where I want them on the board, and have started to work on putting in the traces, whoever, i'm finding the Ratnest traces don't seem to match the breadboard at all... and I don't know why, Breakout.fzz?dl=0

is the file i've saved ,and i'm running 0.9.0 x64.

This file is showing a ratsnest line on the second MCP23017 chip between pins A1 and A2, which isn't needed. PCB does not have this connection shown at all, (but there is a ratsnest for it) Schematic view is completely empty, as i've read it can confuse matters.

I've asked the question on the Fritzing forum, but i've not had any replies yet... :(

Hope someone here can help,


I have used it before and suggest you against using it Stese.
Try Eagle or ExpressPCB instead.
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Hi Ketanrd01,

Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look. I'm using fritzing as it's got the breadboard view I like to work in, and also already has parts available that I need. I've found that other programs either tend not to have the parts i'm using, or make it very difficult to create new parts.

