Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Another new guy

Hey all,
My name is Dan... From NY (buffalo area not the city). Im 38, and just now interested in electronics. I always thought it was a magical thing as i couldnt grasp the ideas behind it. Been reading and watching and wanting to play with a breadboard and get started. I guess the push for me was my motorcycle. Parts are astronomical priced, and after seeing how easy it is to make this stuff (if you understand it) why not diy? So im hear to watch and learn. I guess i can ask wheres a good place to start learning? Like the super basics? I was looking at electronics kits (breadboards, resistors, jumper wires) any suggestions? I do have a minor (very small) amount of knowledge as i built rc cars for racing and worked in the automotive field so im not starting from complete scratch.

Well thanks for reading...
Welcome to EP.
Dan, you have quit a shocking and disturbing Avatar.
Without entering into views and politics,
please change it to something the eye can watch.
There are so many associated fields in electronics that it might be good for you to tell us what you want to learn about, and then maybe get some direction on where to start.
Everything is getting so specialized and micro-miniaturized, that we can probably offer you better advice if we know
what in particular you want to work with.
You mentioned work on your motorcycle. So is that the direction you want to be steered toward?
It matters for practical reasons, to know what you want to apply electronics knowledge toward.
Interfacing with computer circuits (even though a lot of autos use computers now), is different from interfacing
circuits to streamline a combustion engine.