Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Another find at the Habitat for Humanity Restore

A good sized variac, with the lovely wife Motricia's foot for size comparison:


And some impressive specs:


This is from the same place with the old Tectronix scope. Both were from a movie set that was donated.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'll have one of them. Do you think it will fit into a small USPS fixed rate box?


Hop - AC8NS
At work, late in the previous century, I found something similar stuffed away in a corner. If was a three-phase version with one more stack of toroidal auto-transformer ganged with the other two on a common shaft, along with some sort of inductor in a black bakelite case on each one, purpose unknown. So I took the pieces apart and used them separately on lab furnaces, discarding the inductor (or whatever it was). A nice chunk of iron and copper, it was. I could barely lift a single auto-transformer from the stack. The stacked combo was more or less up for grabs when I found them, but my wife isn't as nice as Morticia: I would be dead meat if I had brought even one of the stacks home.:( Still... opportunities lost. <sigh>

Congratulations on your find, Bob! :D