Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ancient Tektronix 'scope tube complement


Beloved Leader

Is there a site with the tube complement of ancient Tektronix 'scopes,
the ones from the 50s and 60s? I thinking of the 514 and the 516 in
particular. There may be other Teks with those model numbers, but
these are getting way back there. The 516 has the traditional blue,
rounded on top, side panels that swing open, but the 514 is really a
dinosaur. The innards slide forward from the case for maintenance. The
case is squared off on all edges. I'm not inclined to download a
schematic, as all I want to know is which tubes are common to both.



Is there a site with the tube complement of ancient Tektronix 'scopes,
the ones from the 50s and 60s? I thinking of the 514 and the 516 in
particular. There may be other Teks with those model numbers, but
these are getting way back there. The 516 has the traditional blue,
rounded on top, side panels that swing open, but the 514 is really a
dinosaur. The innards slide forward from the case for maintenance. The
case is squared off on all edges. I'm not inclined to download a
schematic, as all I want to know is which tubes are common to both.


I'd start by looking here:

There's a lot of good info (and parts) on that site.


maybe he is on dial up and it takes a long time to download?