Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Analog/non-light displays


Skybuck Flying


There is one big problem with CRT's, LCD's and possibly even televisions...

They all project lot's of light into our eyes, which screws with our
wake/sleeping pattern.
(Especially large white area's on the screens.)

Maybe analog/non-light displays could solve such "health" issue's.


Ken Hagan

Maybe analog/non-light displays could solve such "health" issue's.

They do say that e-Ink displays are easier on the eye. To judge from the
current market, we'll all get the chance to find out in the next few years
or so.

Martin Brown

MitchAlsup said:
You can and SHOULD turn down the intensity of the TV screen to fit the
environment in which you are watching it. That is if a human being
were to stand besides the TV screen with an image of a humam on the
screen, both should display similar intensity levels and skin tones.
100% of TVs leaving the factory are set way to bright.

TVs are typically shipped with default display settings that are way too
bright, over sharpened and too contrasty with posterised colours. That
is apparently what the slimy marketeers have determined sells most kit!

I guess they have to be bright to look good in shop windows.

You can adjust these settings to get a sensible real looking default
picture. A few of the newer ones now dynamically vary the back light
brightness to enhance to total luminance range displayable and/or
respond to changing ambient light levels automatically.
But the fault is that of the user, wanting colors that are too
saturated, too bright, and not at all realistick. All TVs that I have
seen in the past 20 years come with a control unit tha allows the user
to FIX the color should he not be so blind as he cannot correlate
reality with TV.

I can only agree with you. Some of the better LCD displays use IPS
panels and they offer a noticeably wider colour gamut. The other
advantage is that people can see the display with accurate colours from
a wider range of viewing angles. I find this beneficial too.

Martin Brown

George Neuner

I, for one, find it very hard to correlate reality with tv. It has
nothing to do with the colours, or the display settings, though.

-- mrr

These days I find it very hard to correlate tv with entertainment.
It's difficult to believe that anyone could watch most of the crap
that's on.

For many years (decades now) I've maintained that the so-called
"Neilson families", whose viewing habits largely determine US
television programming, consist mainly of latch-key cats and
unattended sets.



Somewhere said:
These days I find it very hard to correlate tv with entertainment.
It's difficult to believe that anyone could watch most of the crap
that's on.

For many years (decades now) I've maintained that the so-called
"Neilson families", whose viewing habits largely determine US
television programming, consist mainly of latch-key cats and
unattended sets.


I was a 'Neilson family' for two years. I took it on as I saw it as my
chance to make a difference. However, at the time I had a couch-potato flat
mate who 'watched' 10x more TV than I did so in the end my input made little
to no difference. :-(

Spehro Pefhany

I was a 'Neilson family' for two years. I took it on as I saw it as my
chance to make a difference. However, at the time I had a couch-potato flat
mate who 'watched' 10x more TV than I did so in the end my input made little
to no difference. :-(

Now that many, if not most, of us have digital cable boxes, I'm sure
all that information is available with much finer detail and with much
larger samples. For example, they might weight TVs that are switched
between channels very infrequently less heavily, in the expectation
that nobody is likely watching the screen.

I'm sure Yakov Smirnoff would have something pithy to say about this
Now that many, if not most, of us have digital cable boxes, I'm sure
all that information is available with much finer detail and with much
larger samples. For example, they might weight TVs that are switched
between channels very infrequently less heavily, in the expectation
that nobody is likely watching the screen.

Neilson always did that (counted channel switches and discounted static
channel selections). You're right though, there is a *lot* more information
available from set-top boxes, but there is a bias there, too. Satellite
subscribers aren't counted and neither are the three OTA customers.
I'm sure Yakov Smirnoff would have something pithy to say about this

Does TV suck, or what?
I was a 'Neilson family' for two years. I took it on as I saw it as my
I always associate Nielsen (the correct spelling) with a resuscitation
procedure - which seems very appropriate for couch potatoes :)

Nick Maclaren.

George Neuner

I always associate Nielsen (the correct spelling) with a resuscitation
procedure - which seems very appropriate for couch potatoes :)

Nick Maclaren.

Yeah, I goofed the spelling. Apologies to Nielsen. No excuse but I
do know someone whose name is "Neilson".

Anyway, my own family kept the diary for 3 months one summer, but we
weren't asked to continue ... probably because our viewing habits
(well written/acted dramas) were so far outside the norm of reality
shows and idiot sitcoms.


Skipai Otter

Robert Miles said:
I've read that it's likely to be the blue portion of the light that
interferes with the sleep pattern.

Robert Miles

Yes, that's correct but that doesn't stop many companies from making alarm
clocks now with bright blue LED backlight stuff. Had to tape over my
display on a DAB clock radio because of that.

George Neuner

Yes, that's correct but that doesn't stop many companies from making alarm
clocks now with bright blue LED backlight stuff. Had to tape over my
display on a DAB clock radio because of that.

Or automobile manufacturers from using blue console lighting.

Completely off topic but,

I don't know about other people, but the stupid blue consoles hurt my
eyes - even turned down to minimum intensity, at night I see
after-images of the console when I look back to the road. I have
excellent night vision but my eyes don't re-adjust quickly enough any
more after looking at a light - I have trouble with oncoming
headlights too even though I wear yellow lenses to drive.

I currently have an older car that has orange console lighting (turned
to minimum intensity - other people get in my car and can barely see
it) and I hate having to rent a car when I travel. I dread the day my
car will eventually die because I don't know what to replace it with
.... it seems that only some really expensive cars have orange (or
adjustable color) console lighting - almost all mid-range American and
Asian cars use blue - I've seen a handful of green but no red/orange
among them. I've never seen any aftermarket kits to change the
console lighting either.

We now return to the regularly scheduled discussion.