Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Analog Circuit Design

I'm seeking assistance in finding people with a background in analog
circuit design in some area of consumer electronics. In particular,
I'd like to hook up with people who have been involved in the
development or radios (AM/FM), speakers, power supply, amplifiers, or
music storage devices such as CDs or DVDs.

I own my own recruiting company, and have several relevent position
open, and have a generous referral plan for people who assist me in
finding the qualified talent my client seeks. Check it all out at:

Arnie Fertig

John Fields

I'm seeking assistance in finding people with a background in analog
circuit design in some area of consumer electronics. In particular,
I'd like to hook up with people who have been involved in the
development or radios (AM/FM), speakers, power supply, amplifiers, or
music storage devices such as CDs or DVDs.

I own my own recruiting company, and have several relevent position
open, and have a generous referral plan for people who assist me in
finding the qualified talent my client seeks.


Hello Arnie,

I'm seeking assistance in finding people with a background in analog
circuit design in some area of consumer electronics. In particular,
I'd like to hook up with people who have been involved in the
development or radios (AM/FM), speakers, power supply, amplifiers, or
music storage devices such as CDs or DVDs.

As John said, talk with your clients whether some of the work can be
done by consultants. Unless they need this kind of EE support full time
and for years.

Many of the talented folks have ongoing commitments and might not be
able to pack up and move to Boston in a jiffy.

Regards, Joerg

Jim Thompson

Hello Arnie,

As John said, talk with your clients whether some of the work can be
done by consultants. Unless they need this kind of EE support full time
and for years.

Many of the talented folks have ongoing commitments and might not be
able to pack up and move to Boston in a jiffy.

Regards, Joerg

Particularly Boston ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Hello Jim,
Particularly Boston ;-)

Because it's in Taxachusetts? Did you already dislike it when at MIT? I
am certainly not someone who likes urban living but I enjoyed the town
where I went to school (I still chose to live in the hinterlands there).

Regards, Joerg

Tim Williams

Joerg said:
Because it's in Taxachusetts? Did you already dislike it when at MIT? I
am certainly not someone who likes urban living but I enjoyed the town
where I went to school (I still chose to live in the hinterlands there).

Too close to Win. And Taxachusetts, and gay marriage, and John Kerry, and
so on ...

Which reminds me, I'm suprised he's so close to California. Wyoming seems
like a more comfortable place away from the "evils" of the world. ;-)


Jim Thompson

Hello Jim,

Because it's in Taxachusetts? Did you already dislike it when at MIT? I
am certainly not someone who likes urban living but I enjoyed the town
where I went to school (I still chose to live in the hinterlands there).

Regards, Joerg

I attended MIT from September 1958 through June 1962.

At the time Taxachusetts was in deep-shit... economy in the hole,
populous hateful and, it seemed, blaming those "rich" students.

But I still enjoyed all the ethnic restaurants.

It's MUCH better today, but it's still truly a piss-poor place to
live... taxes out-of-sight, cold miserable climate, high density
population... double ugh ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

I'm seeking assistance in finding people with a background in analog
circuit design in some area of consumer electronics. In particular,
I'd like to hook up with people who have been involved in the
development or radios (AM/FM), speakers, power supply, amplifiers, or
music storage devices such as CDs or DVDs.

I own my own recruiting company, and have several relevent position
open, and have a generous referral plan for people who assist me in
finding the qualified talent my client seeks. Check it all out at:

Arnie Fertig

What's the salary range these days?



Hello Tim,

Which reminds me, I'm suprised he's so close to California. Wyoming seems
like a more comfortable place away from the "evils" of the world. ;-)

I live in California. Wyoming would be nice but my wife isn't so fond of
icy winters anymore. Maybe some day we'll move to a more business
friendly state. Taxes are one thing, but a biz-friendly gvt with a rock
solid majority and the least amount of regulations are more important.
And it has to be tropical, basically no winters :)

Regards, Joerg

Jim Thompson

Hello Tim,

I live in California. Wyoming would be nice but my wife isn't so fond of
icy winters anymore. Maybe some day we'll move to a more business
friendly state. Taxes are one thing, but a biz-friendly gvt with a rock
solid majority and the least amount of regulations are more important.
And it has to be tropical, basically no winters :)

Regards, Joerg

In the coming ice age AZ will have a moderate climate ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

I attended MIT from September 1958 through June 1962.

At the time Taxachusetts was in deep-shit... economy in the hole,
populous hateful and, it seemed, blaming those "rich" students.

But I still enjoyed all the ethnic restaurants.

It's MUCH better today, but it's still truly a piss-poor place to
live... taxes out-of-sight, cold miserable climate, high density
population... double ugh ;-)

...Jim Thompson

But there's lobster stew, clam rolls, Dunkin Donuts, and Boston Cream


Jim Thompson

But there's lobster stew, clam rolls, Dunkin Donuts, and Boston Cream


And Legal Seafood at Kendall Square ;-)

...Jim Thompson
Jim said:
In the coming ice age AZ will have a moderate climate ;-)

Pity about the people. Not that the human race is likely to survive
global warming for long enough to be around for the next ice age
whenever it does arrive.

Come to think of it, we'll probably have wipe AZ off the map to get rid
of the last incorrigible band of CO2 emitters before they drive global
warming over the edge.

Australia would appear to be equally comitted to CO2 emission at the
moment, but when push comes to shove, someone with even deeper pockets
than the oil lobby will bribe Australia's politicians back onto the
paths of virtue - it isn't s if they are expensive.
Thanks to all for the comments. A few items of note:

This is definately not a contract or temp position. We are looking for
key players who will be forming a new team to create very high end
consumer products. The company is profitable, stable, growing, and
considered an excellent employer.

Salary these days for any good job is not fixed at "X". Sure, there are
paramaters that hiring managers deal with, but the salaries at this
client are quite competitive relative to other parts of the country and
even local competitors. I'm happy to speak with anyone about this, but
not go further in a post that will live in cyberspace forever.

There's not much I can do about the Boston weather, so if someone
really likes the climate in Arizona, Wyoming or Florida - this won't be
a good fit.

However, the quality of living in MA, and specifically in the area
where this job is located is really quite high. One can easily live in
one of the Western suburbs where the housing is more reasonably priced
and have a very short commute.

For the person who wants to go on for advanced coursework or other
educational opportunities, this opportunity can't be beat--- MIT,
Harvard, and dozens of other great academic centers of excellence are
here... and my client has incentive programs to pay for continuing

We have the Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins; Major league culture: Museums,
Concerts, Theater (at NY quality with affordable prices!); access to
skiing in VT or NH, the coast of NH or Maine... and more.

I've lived in this area for about 15 years and have, in that period,
seen a dramatic improvement in the quality of life. The big dig is
nearly done, and getting places is much easier and quicker than ever.

What we are looking for are:

-- people with a really solid grasp of engineering concepts and
-- people with a very strong educational background, coupled with
experience in the design of new consumer products...
-- people in search of a career, not just work for the moment.

Again, I'm happy to speak with, or network with anyone, and
appreciative for any leads.


[email protected]


Hello Bill,
Pity about the people. Not that the human race is likely to survive
global warming for long enough to be around for the next ice age
whenever it does arrive.

What global warming? Winters are getting colder and longer year over
year here in northern California and Europe currently seems to be
suffocating under so far unseen amounts of ice and snow.

Right now it seems Jim's prediction of an ice age is more likely to come
to pass :)

Regards, Joerg


Hello John,
But there's lobster stew, clam rolls, Dunkin Donuts, and Boston Cream

However, you can only enjoy those treats if your are lucky enough to
find a place to 'pahk the cah'.

Regards, Joerg

Keith Williams

Hello Bill,

What global warming? Winters are getting colder and longer year over
year here in northern California and Europe currently seems to be
suffocating under so far unseen amounts of ice and snow.

Right now it seems Jim's prediction of an ice age is more likely to come
to pass :)

But don't you know that's what happens with Global Warming? It gets
*colder*! ;-)

John Larkin

Hello John,

However, you can only enjoy those treats if your are lucky enough to
find a place to 'pahk the cah'.

Nah, everything in Mass is drive-through.
