Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Analog circuit design steps

Hello everybody
i am new to analog design and i was assigned to do an analog design to sensor interfaces(LVDT , 4-20mA , differential 485) . the problem i am facin g right know is that i don't know exactly from where to start, (for example i don't know if i need a filter or not, and if i need one then what type of filter should i design) it's like i don't know the right steps or procedure to design an analog cicruit,can you help me with ideas even a book or an article can help

Harald Kapp

i don't know exactly from where to start
Usually by clearly defining the requirements, for example:
  • What are your inputs?
  • What are your expected outputs?
  • What operations are to be performed?
  • What are possible boundary conditions (like power consumption, data rate, size, monetary budget etc. etc.)