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Maker Pro

Amusing Chair Stealing Story from R&D Company


D from BC

Long ago in a tech company...

I get to my lab bench and guess what...the chair is gone.
Somebody moved it into the fume hood room..
Few days later...
Chair gone again! Bastards... :(
Somebody took it and left it at a glueing station.

So... I tied a nylon cord to my chair.. Just a small deterrent..
Cord cut...chair gone! :(
More annoying, somebody raided my tool drawer and used my own scissors
to cut the cord...and didn't put them back..

Chain next???
Too extreme...So I just tied the cord together.

The chair borrowing stopped when there was about 6 knots in the cord.
D from BC


D from BC said:
Long ago in a tech company...

I get to my lab bench and guess what...the chair is gone.
Somebody moved it into the fume hood room..
Few days later...
Chair gone again! Bastards... :(
Somebody took it and left it at a glueing station.

So... I tied a nylon cord to my chair.. Just a small deterrent..
Cord cut...chair gone! :(
More annoying, somebody raided my tool drawer and used my own scissors
to cut the cord...and didn't put them back..

Chain next???
Too extreme...So I just tied the cord together.

The chair borrowing stopped when there was about 6 knots in the cord.
D from BC

LOL ::)

Colin =^.^=

Rich Grise

Long ago in a tech company...

I get to my lab bench and guess what...the chair is gone.
Somebody moved it into the fume hood room..
Few days later...
Chair gone again! Bastards... :(
Somebody took it and left it at a glueing station.

So... I tied a nylon cord to my chair.. Just a small deterrent..
Cord cut...chair gone! :(
More annoying, somebody raided my tool drawer and used my own scissors
to cut the cord...and didn't put them back..

Chain next???
Too extreme...So I just tied the cord together.

The chair borrowing stopped when there was about 6 knots in the cord.

RS used to (maybe still does) sell a little box about the size of a
coffee timer or transistor radio that's just a battery, switch, and
Sonalert - the switch is a "shorting jack" - when the plug gets pulled
out, it turns on the Sonalert.

Fasten one of these to your chair, and secure the lanyard somewhere - Hmm,
maybe you should make the lanyard out of wire rope. ;-) And lock up your
scissors. ;-) ;-)

Personally, I'd have gone for the chain before the rope, but paint
it some unobtrusive color. ;-)

Good Luck!

Homer J Simpson

Chain next???
Too extreme...So I just tied the cord together.

The chair borrowing stopped when there was about 6 knots in the cord.

Run a 10 KV wire through the legs and back.


D from BC

Run a 10 KV wire through the legs and back.

There were many people borrowing my chair.
One newbie didn't know about the string connected to the chair. I saw
him roll it away very fast (quick get away?) When the string ran out
of slack; the chair crashed on the floor.
He had that WTF look.. :)

Here's a groaner:
I didn't want to make a deal with the chair borrowers..I was afraid
there would be "no strings attached" :)
D from BC


There were many people borrowing my chair.
One newbie didn't know about the string connected to the chair. I saw
him roll it away very fast (quick get away?) When the string ran out
of slack; the chair crashed on the floor.
He had that WTF look.. :)

One could have a CO2-powered piston and spike instead.

If people want to be a PITA, they deserve one.

D from BC

One could have a CO2-powered piston and spike instead.

If people want to be a PITA, they deserve one.
I had this crazy idea..
I'd charge up a bunch of low leakage capacitors and carefully pile
them on the chair seat... Just the pile might discourage someone from
borrowing the chair.. Hey...moving junk is hard work :)
But if they did try to move the capacitors..Zapppp!
D from BC

Paul Burke

Kryten said:
One could have a CO2-powered piston and spike instead.

These revenge fantasies mustn't be taken too seriously. There was a
chappie near here a few years ago, thought someone was going in his shed
when he wasn't there. So he rigged up a tripwire and a sawn off shotgun
to catch them. Then forgot he'd done it. The judge didn't show much
compassion towrds him- he got a stiff jail sentence despite blowing his
own bollocks off.

Paul Burke


Paul Burke said:
rigged up a tripwire and a sawn off shotgun to catch them. Then forgot
he'd done it.
The judge didn't show much compassion towards him
he got a stiff jail sentence despite blowing his own bollocks off.

Well I wasn't being serious.

I don't have any sympathy with the shotgun/shed guy either.

Might have been some homeless person looking for shelter, or some teenagers
looking for a place to make out. And it's only a shed.

Sounds like a good candidate for the Darwin Awards, or an urban myth

Homer J Simpson

These revenge fantasies mustn't be taken too seriously. There was a
chappie near here a few years ago, thought someone was going in his shed
when he wasn't there. So he rigged up a tripwire and a sawn off shotgun to
catch them. Then forgot he'd done it. The judge didn't show much
compassion towrds him- he got a stiff jail sentence despite blowing his
own bollocks off.

Jay Leno told the tale of a would be kidnapper who stuck his gun in the
waistband of his pants and shot his left testicle. The pain made him cringe
resulting in him then shooting his right testicle. That's the definition of
a bad day.


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Well I wasn't being serious.

I don't have any sympathy with the shotgun/shed guy either.

Might have been some homeless person looking for shelter, or some teenagers
looking for a place to make out. And it's only a shed.

Sounds like a good candidate for the Darwin Awards, or an urban myth

I've always heard that booby-trapping like that is terribly illegal;
possibly even to the extent that if some trespasser gets nailed by your
booby-trap, you could get charged with murder.


Robert Baer

Richard said:
I've always heard that booby-trapping like that is terribly illegal;
possibly even to the extent that if some trespasser gets nailed by your
booby-trap, you could get charged with murder.

That happened in Florida a number of years ago; seems that this
storeowner got tired of being robbed again and again with the cops doing
Entry was always thru a skylight (or something like that) in the
roof, so the storeowner rigged it and got the perp.

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