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Maker Pro

Amusing Car And Driver Article



Jim Thompson said:

I remember many years ago, the Communists in Russia showed people in the
US rioting for some reason; can't remember why.

What happened when they showed this propoganda in Russia was that few
Russians believed it. Why?

Many of the people rioting were wearing white buck shoes. In Russia,
this was considered a luxury.

So, you gotta be veddy, veddy careful in how you do your propoganda.

I suppose I am poor also as I only have a house with three bedrooms, one
and a half baths and a one car garage. That's what happens when clueless
clods living in Washinton, DC, come up with their brainstorms. There
lifestyle should not be confused with that of the average American.


Jim Thompson

I remember many years ago, the Communists in Russia showed people in the
US rioting for some reason; can't remember why.

What happened when they showed this propoganda in Russia was that few
Russians believed it. Why?

Many of the people rioting were wearing white buck shoes. In Russia,
this was considered a luxury.

So, you gotta be veddy, veddy careful in how you do your propoganda.

I suppose I am poor also as I only have a house with three bedrooms, one
and a half baths and a one car garage. That's what happens when clueless
clods living in Washinton, DC, come up with their brainstorms. There
lifestyle should not be confused with that of the average American.


Huh? I think you need to enroll in remedial reading.

...Jim Thompson


Jim Thompson said:
Huh? I think you need to enroll in remedial reading.

He may've meant:

1. Find a source of rhetoric (e.g. the Heritage Foundation)
2. Cut
3. Paste

No thinking required!!

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