Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Amp repair around SW Virginia

A friend in Roanoke, VA, has a working Pioneer SX1280 he would like gone over and tweaked. Anyone know a restorer in SW Virginia? Occasionally he comes to Richmond via 81/64 or 460 so include those areas. Appreciate any leads.

Rey in Charlottesville, who has a Bendix 646 that needs recapping.
That's a pretty vague request, that it isn't specifically broken, just needs "gone over and tweaked". It seems like an invitation for someone to just take it, sit on it, and hand it back and charge $$$.

If it had specific problems those should be handled on a case by case basis. If he is instead hoping someone can turn an off the shelf product into an audiophile's dream, that seems outside of realistic. It also seems like the cost to do it would exceed the value of the amp by not just 1:1 but instead be enough that there is no reason to start with the amp instead of getting a different amp. I am not knocking the Pioneer SX1280, just saying that a mass produced product, if you can't tweak it yourself, then you're probably better off starting over with something else.
I hope other readers here know that "gone over and tweaked" means what it has always meant: cleaning up pot noise, replacing bad components, and making sure the unit meets its specifications if possible.
^ No, nobody knows that this is specifically what you meant. We're big on what you write rather than what you don't. ;)

I suggest you check out local repair shops on the yellow pages or craigslist because the odds of someone here being near to you are slim, but I suppose it didn't hurt to try.