Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Altium Support

I have a pcb layout in Altium however after doing the full layout I have found that one of my component footprints is not correct. How can I change the particular component footprint and update the PCB layout to reflect the new footprint without having to redo the whole PCB layout?

Harald Kapp

Typically PCB editors have a "replace" function:
Create the new footprint and put it into the PCB library. Update the component in the schematic. Go to layout. You should see a rats nest where the old component was. You need to redo only the broken traces.

Alternatively you may add the new component directly in the layout on top of the old component, so you wont break the traces already routed. Make new connections from the old traces to the new component (I assume the new fooprint differs in size only, not in pinout, so traces will not cross). Then remove the old component, clean up the PCB and back-annotate the schematic to reflect your changes.

Note this is a generic method, not specific to Altium - I wouldn't know what the specific commands are in Altium.
What version of Altium are you using. Post the files here and tell us what the problem is. I might be able to help.
I am using Altium Designer Version 10. Please see attached files. My main concern is that the DC power jack (Designator D1) has the wrong footprint. I want to have both pads parallel to each other. How can I do this without having to re-do the whole PCB layout? In the past I have changed the footprint for the component of interest and went into the PCB layout window and went Design --> Import changes but nothing changed. I am trying to attach the files here but I am getting an error saying the file extension is not allowed....

I have the files on my dropbox. If you give me your email address I can share the link with you.