Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Alkaline Battery

I have a clock which says I must only use a Zinc Carbon battery and specifically says I must not use an alkaline battery. Why would that be - I use alkaline batteries in all of my other clocks and has never occurred to me to consider what type of battery I was using.


Hi Raymondo
welcome to EP :)

That's an oddball one !
I cant think of any good reason why an alkaline one couldn't be used



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Can you still even get zinc carbon batteries?

Is it possible that early alkaline batteries had a lower shelf life than zinc carbon?
Perhaps the clock's electronics or electro-mechanics is sensitive to voltage/current, which is notably higher in alkalines?
Does the clock contain any (white) LED? I have a few simplest torches with LEDs connected to batteries directly, using no voltage/current limiting electronics, and if alkalines are used there LEDs get damaged with too high current (zinc carbon's voltage tends to fall very quickly on any substantial load). I can safely use "weakened" alkalines there though - the ones that stop being usable in MP3 player, remote control, automatic blood pressure meter, and the like.