Maker Pro
Maker Pro

alarm receiver emulators


G. Morgan

Bob La Londe said:
Is Alarmsoft still around?

The website is up. Has not been updated in a long time it looks
like. Which product would help?


Does anyone know of a software based alarm receiver emulator? I
want the panel to dial a number and have the emulator pick-up and
generate the proper tones for a successful kiss off. I would
prefer it run in Linux.

I happened across this one:

But I don't see a d/l link.

Asterisk is a PBX. Google for that.
I'm guessing the Alarm Receiver is a module you can
add to the Asterisk software.


G. Morgan

technomaNge said:
Asterisk is a PBX. Google for that.
I'm guessing the Alarm Receiver is a module you can
add to the Asterisk software.

Yup, I got the Asterisk NOW DVD that has Asterisk, Free PBX, and a
Linux build. I have not installed that package yet.

What I have so far is Twilio and Open VBX up and running. If I
can install Asterisk to what I already have working that would be


"G. Morgan" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :
[email protected]...

technomaNge said:
Asterisk is a PBX. Google for that.
I'm guessing the Alarm Receiver is a module you can
add to the Asterisk software.

Yup, I got the Asterisk NOW DVD that has Asterisk, Free PBX, and a
Linux build. I have not installed that package yet.

What I have so far is Twilio and Open VBX up and running. If I
can install Asterisk to what I already have working that would be


try running this in virtualbox

its very easy to setup any OS on windows/linux/OSX and more, way better and
fast then microsoft virtual pc, and its only a damn file, just back up the
virtual hd after installation and you are good to go and mess up anything.
copy back the virtual hd over the live one to go back to a fresh install..

And the best part, its free..

Bob La Londe

Could you provide the source so I may inquire?

Or ask on my behalf?

* You seriously believe I would consider doing that?

Why not? Competitive advantage?

G. Morgan

mleuck said:
You seriously believe I would consider doing that?

What is it a State secret or something? Why can't you tell me who
the developer is?

G. Morgan

ABLE1 said:

Didn't I send you the link for the developer or was that someone else???

Are you talking about Asterisk or something else?

G. Morgan

mleuck said:
Put it this way, it'll be easier to get Obama's birth certificate than
for me to tell you that info

Fine, I sense this is more personal than proprietary.


As far as I can remember, Asterisk can only talk Contact ID and unless you
are familiar with script writing in Linux, it's going to be s steep learning

Easier to just buy a used receiver.


And you need to install a FXO card in your Asterisk server in order for it
to receive analog call.

G. Morgan

Hakma said:
And you need to install a FXO card in your Asterisk server in order for it
to receive analog call.

That's what I was afraid of. Going through the documentation, I'm
not so sure Asterisk is going to be a viable solution. Thanks.

G. Morgan

Hakma said:
As far as I can remember, Asterisk can only talk Contact ID and unless you
are familiar with script writing in Linux, it's going to be s steep learning

I see that! In fact they sell training workshops just for this

If it only receivers CID that isn't too big a deal, I'm not trying
for a full blown CS.

Easier to just buy a used receiver.

Maybe so! That doesn't jive with the application I have in mind


Here is the hardware solution, not cheap, but sure beats pulling your hair
out trying to get Asterisk working. $300.00

As far as I can remember, Asterisk can only talk Contact ID and unless you
are familiar with script writing in Linux, it's going to be s steep

Easier to just buy a used receiver.

True although hard to find and usually expensive

Ebay shows a couple of old Radionics receivers but I doubt they
support anything more than Modem or BFSK format.