Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Aiwa Z-D8100M fails on equalizer display.

I have an Aiwa Z-D8100M equipment, the display of the graphic equalizer, model GE-Z9100 does not work.

Also, a very low 60Hz hum is heard from the speakers when the graphic equalizer is connected to the amplifier.

If you disconnect it, the hum from the speakers disappears.

I would like to know if you have a solution to the problem, thanks.

Harald Kapp

A 60 Hz hum is often a sign of insufficient power supply filtering. Mostly caused by electrolytic capacitors that have lost their ability to store charge (lost capacitance). This effect is so common it has gotten the name "capacitor plague".
Inspect the equalizer for this kind of defect.
The solution is replacement of the defect capacitors by new ones. Usually one replaces all electrolytic capacitors while being at it, not only the visibly bad ones. The other ones may follow the bad ones within a short time.
On the Internet I read the problem of the capacitors in the display part of these Aiwa graphic equalizer, it reappears after 2 or 3 years of changing them.
Surely there is another problem besides the capacitors.

Harald Kapp

it reappears after 2 or 3 years of changing them.
Surely there is another problem besides the capacitors.
Maybe, but we don't know.
When replacing the caps use the highest quality you can get. Of course, capacitance and size need to match the present values.
Operating voltage and temperature range can be chosen to be higher (modern caps very often offer better parameters in the same case size). Operating a high temperature capacitor at a lower temperature will prolong lifetime considerably.
Only now I was able to check the equipment, and I found the TR Q12 and Q13 C3328 open, the resistors R82 and R83 open the T1 overheated just like Q12 and Q13 and they left the plate blackened, C20 10 x 50v, it is dry and blackened, L1 is overheated but not open, I need to check C2001 and A1015, diodes, capacitors and resistors.

Tips accepted
I have the same problem with my Aiwa GE-Z9100.there is a burnt area an inch circled around T1 (82-VU1-615-019 COIL-FL). The cover from T1 coil also has popped off, I cant see any more components visably damaged. I have the aiwa part number for T1 but cant find replacement anywhere.i also have a scematics pdf if anybody needs it. Im gutted because its a beautiful hi fi all complete and working except the graphic display.

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