Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Advice - repair to six pin connector to dvd writer.


Reg M

Hi, I have a LG GSA 5163D DVD/CD Rewriter on which a pin in the six
pin connector from the AC/DC adapter has sheared off at the base. Have
spent some time Googling but cannot find anywhere obvious to go for
possible repair. I can buy a new rewriter for the cost of replacement,
so that does not appeal. Does anyone know of a repairer for this kind
of thing in this area.

Homer J Simpson

Hi, I have a LG GSA 5163D DVD/CD Rewriter on which a pin in the six
pin connector from the AC/DC adapter has sheared off at the base. Have
spent some time Googling but cannot find anywhere obvious to go for
possible repair. I can buy a new rewriter for the cost of replacement,
so that does not appeal. Does anyone know of a repairer for this kind
of thing in this area.

In the UK? Ask around for a good tech who can figure a way to keep this
going. You may need to cut off both the plug and socket and replace them
with something else. It won't look original, but at least it will work.


Reg M

In the UK? Ask around for a good tech who can figure a way to keep this
going. You may need to cut off both the plug and socket and replace them
with something else. It won't look original, but at least it will work.

Thanks for that, I should have said I live to the south west of

Homer J Simpson

Thanks for that, I should have said I live to the south west of

Ask around the neighbours. There's always one guy out there who'll take a
little extra time to help - you just have to find him.


Reg M

Ask around the neighbours. There's always one guy out there who'll take a
little extra time to help - you just have to find him.

I am asking around as well - who knows, the guy next door may read
this and know something :)