Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Advice Please: Cheap Meter Recommendations

My second of two Fluke 8060A meters turned out to be crap(just like the
first), and it is becoming obvious that I just need to buy a cheap
meter with basic functions.

Can I get recommendations?(Reliablilty being the number one criteria).


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.


what do you need to measure and how accurate? volts amps ohms ETC

Ralph Mowery

My second of two Fluke 8060A meters turned out to be crap(just like the
first), and it is becoming obvious that I just need to buy a cheap
meter with basic functions.

Can I get recommendations?(Reliablilty being the number one criteria).
Why are you calling the Fluke crap ? That is a very good meter. I have one
that I used at work for 10 years and now have it at home. It was replaced
with a newer modle by Fluke.

That is a $ 300 to $ 400 meter. What do you think cheap is ?

Fluke seems to the digital meters as the Simpson 260 was to the analog
By far the most reliable and durable meter I have ever used in the low
cost arena was the Fluke 8060 and its replacement the 189. The 8060s
all lasted well over 20 years before failure, so far none of the 189s
have had any problems.

I am not sure what you mean by cheap as the low end Fluke meters were
inexpensive at around $300 new.

No if you want one of those throw away Chinese made multi-meters of
questionable accuracy, no built in idiot user protection, then go for
it. After a few of those you will find out how reliable the Fluke
meters really are.
Funfly3 said:
what do you need to measure and how accurate? volts amps ohms ETC
<[email protected]> wrote in message

Mostly volts and Ohms. I don't see going much over 30 volts and only
need to measure basic resistance so I can determining shorts and
whether or not a circuit is open or closed.

I also would like it to be digital. But the key is reliabilty.(I'd like
to use it for a few years).


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.


Mostly volts and Ohms. I don't see going much over 30 volts and only
need to measure basic resistance so I can determining shorts and
whether or not a circuit is open or closed.

I also would like it to be digital. But the key is reliabilty.(I'd like
to use it for a few years).


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
What's been the problem with the fluke as I have a ten year old one that's
still working ??
By far the most reliable and durable meter I have ever used in the low
cost arena was the Fluke 8060 and its replacement the 189. The 8060s
all lasted well over 20 years before failure, so far none of the 189s
have had any problems.

I am not sure what you mean by cheap as the low end Fluke meters were
inexpensive at around $300 new.

No if you want one of those throw away Chinese made multi-meters of
questionable accuracy, no built in idiot user protection, then go for
it. After a few of those you will find out how reliable the Fluke
meters really are.

Well, I know a couple of guys who have been using cheap Radio Shack
meters for many years.

The first of the two 8060A meters I have began to work intermittantly
after the third time I used it.(I won it off of Ebay). And now doesn't
power up.

Because of Fluke's reputation I got another one(from a different
auction), and that one was only used one time. Now when I power it on
the display is very dim and doesn't do anything when I try to use the
buttons. This Fluke was definitely checked and recalibrated before I
received it, and the problem is defintely not the batteries.

So that's two (rarely used)Flukes that stopped working within about 2
or 3 years.

So now I'm pissed because I have a project that is way over due and the
Flukes are just *too expensive* to get fixed.

At least with a cheap one, you can throw it in the garbage without
worrying about it being a big loss.

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.

Michael Black

At least with a cheap one, you can throw it in the garbage without
worrying about it being a big loss.
Then, you just buy what's cheap and available. If you are only spending
$10 or $20, you can also toss it in the garbage if it's not suitable.

It's when you are spending big bucks that you need recommendations.

I have a twenty year old Radio Shack that's still running, though I
took it out of regular use for other reasons. The replacement, in 1996,
was a Radio Shack too (I lusted after a bigger readout, and more functions,
so I splurged), and it too keeps running. I suspect that is the case
for most DMMs, unless someone is really careless. There are other issues
when buying a DMM, but most of those come into play when spending hundreds
of dollars, because you are going to an expensive meter for reasons of
good calibration or something else that's not there at the cheap end.

Have you actually checked to make sure that you have good batteries in
the Flukes?


James Sweet

My second of two Fluke 8060A meters turned out to be crap(just like the
first), and it is becoming obvious that I just need to buy a cheap
meter with basic functions.

Can I get recommendations?(Reliablilty being the number one criteria).


What's wrong with the Fluke? If it's broken they'll repair and calibrate
it for a reasonable fee, the cheap meters are all about the same and
they're all relatively crappy, Fluke is the gold standard though some of
their low end stuff is Chinese now.


My second of two Fluke 8060A meters turned out to be crap(just like the
first), and it is becoming obvious that I just need to buy a cheap
meter with basic functions.

They're known for display problems. You can get parts.
Can I get recommendations?(Reliablilty being the number one criteria).

Fluke 77. Mine's been through the mill for a dozen years and is still
within 1%.

James Sweet

Well, I know a couple of guys who have been using cheap Radio Shack
meters for many years.

The first of the two 8060A meters I have began to work intermittantly
after the third time I used it.(I won it off of Ebay). And now doesn't
power up.

Because of Fluke's reputation I got another one(from a different
auction), and that one was only used one time. Now when I power it on
the display is very dim and doesn't do anything when I try to use the
buttons. This Fluke was definitely checked and recalibrated before I
received it, and the problem is defintely not the batteries.

So that's two (rarely used)Flukes that stopped working within about 2
or 3 years.

So now I'm pissed because I have a project that is way over due and the
Flukes are just *too expensive* to get fixed.

At least with a cheap one, you can throw it in the garbage without
worrying about it being a big loss.

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.

Well if you decide to dump those 8060's I'll gladly take one off your
hands, I just looked them up and they're true RMS, very nice meters.
So basically, you are calling the Fluke 8060 junk because you wound up
buying two bad units off an ebay auction.

I don't think the Fluke meters are the REAL reason the project is way
So basically, you are calling the Fluke 8060 junk because you wound up
buying two bad units off an ebay auction.

I don't think the Fluke meters are the REAL reason the project is way

Junk? I never said anything negative about the company. You need to
re-read my opriginal post.

The two meters I have just happened to crap out on me, so I concluded
that they are not worth spending all that money on(initially or to get

I just need a cheap one that is accurate.

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.

Do Little2

No if you want one of those throw away Chinese made multi-meters of
questionable accuracy, no built in idiot user protection, then go for
it. After a few of those you will find out how reliable the Fluke
meters really are.

Obviously, you haven't seen some of the latest Chinese imports.
They also have reasonable accuracy just like Fluke.

Besides that they offer some conveniences that Fluke, apparently
hasn't dreamed up as yet - at any price - such as:

Reading the output values out loud and probes with buildin LED's.
Two features that are frequently very handy. The overpriced Fluke's
are facing some real competition!
James said:
What's wrong with the Fluke? If it's broken they'll repair and calibrate
it for a reasonable fee, the cheap meters are all about the same and
they're all relatively crappy, Fluke is the gold standard though some of
their low end stuff is Chinese now.

Fluke repair and recalibrate "for a reasonable fee"?

It cost twice as much to get one of these repaired than it does to get
a used one on Ebay.

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.

James Sweet

Fluke repair and recalibrate "for a reasonable fee"?

It cost twice as much to get one of these repaired than it does to get
a used one on Ebay.

But how great of a bargain was the used one off ebay that doesn't work?
It was probably sold cheap on ebay for a reason, IIRC they're about $350


If you lose tools fairly fast or use them one or twice, chinese stuff
would be the best way to go. Don,t even think about a warranty. On
the flip side, I found a craftsman (sears) vise grip pliers that were
not working good and walked into sears and exchanged them for a new
pair on the spot. Fluke has there manuals available in pdf fromat
(just photocopied ones) for all models as a free download.

Chinese stuff? Think "short term" . They put cheaper vacuum cleaner
motors in things that require the more expensive continuous duty
motors. won,t cover a abused burnt out motor. Pretty slick cache 22

Doug Kelly

Well... I spent $20 on a RadioShack pocket DMM, works fine, and had one battery
change. Also use a Vellman DMM--same thing, cheap, wouldn't trust too much,
but you know, it does the job. I, like everyone else, am surprised that you'd
be having so many problems with Fluke meters. I mean... can I have one? :p
If you're looking for something to just USE and get a quick test for
diagnostics or something... yeah, go to a RadioShack or other electronics
store, and don't expect to spend more than $10-20. I know both of mine are
under $20 apiece. Just remember, you get what you pay for.... they may not be
the most accurate things you can get.

James Sweet

Doug said:
Well... I spent $20 on a RadioShack pocket DMM, works fine, and had one battery
change. Also use a Vellman DMM--same thing, cheap, wouldn't trust too much,
but you know, it does the job. I, like everyone else, am surprised that you'd
be having so many problems with Fluke meters. I mean... can I have one? :p
If you're looking for something to just USE and get a quick test for
diagnostics or something... yeah, go to a RadioShack or other electronics
store, and don't expect to spend more than $10-20. I know both of mine are
under $20 apiece. Just remember, you get what you pay for.... they may not be
the most accurate things you can get.

He bought cheap used high end meters that were probably abused and
having problems to begin with and that's why they were cheap, what does
one expect? I have a couple cheap DMM's and they work fine as second
meters, but they're all pretty much the same, and none of them are worth
having fixed when they fail.
James said:
But how great of a bargain was the used one off ebay that doesn't work?
It was probably sold cheap on ebay for a reason, IIRC they're about $350

They were working when I got them.

Are you now suggesting that the previous owners somehow knew that the
meters would fail soon, or that Fluke meters are garbage?

You are referring to one of the same two meters we were discussing when
you said that you would "gladly take one off (my) hands", correct?

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.