Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ademco Vista-15 Install Manual



Robert L Bass said:
Oh. I don't work on cars. I bring them to professional

Why not DIY? Any primate with a modicum .....oh, forget it.

Mark Leuck

coord said:
96 Supra Turbo

Base Number of Cylinders: 6 Base Engine Size: 3 liters
Base Engine Type: Inline 6 Horsepower: 320 hp
Max Horsepower: 5600 rpm Torque: 315 ft-lbs.
Max Torque: 4000 rpm Drive Type: RWD

Looks like pretty good numbers to me...a little better than a Chevette...

I don't think so


Base Number of Cylinders: 4 Base Engine Size: 1.3 liters
Base Engine Type: Inline 4 Horsepower: 80 hp

You're Supra just can't compete

Mark Leuck

alarman said:
Why not DIY? Any primate with a modicum .....oh, forget it.

Now THAT is an interesting question! I can just see it now

"Those pesky manufacturers are gouging the public"

"Mechanics are just interested in quick expensive fixes with substandard

"I used to hang around Chevy engineers when they were designing the

"The manuals can be found at the login is ...."

Mr.Double-sided Tape

Oh man are you begging for the Big Plonkerino.
You gotta admit, bAss is becoming more amusing than Rodney.

Crash Gordon

Welp, it gets me to Vegas 45 minutes faster than my truck...that's
relatively fast.

|> All sorts of stuff you can fine tune in the computer
| > (personally, I know nothing about tweeking it, but
| > the guy I bring it to does).
| Oh. I don't work on cars. I bring them to professional
| mechanics.
| >'s fast and it was a good value at the time.
| It may have been a good value but fast is relative. :^)
| --
| Regards,
| Robert L Bass
| Bass Burglar Alarms
| The Online DIY Store
| --
| Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large
| groups.

Robert L Bass

Welp, it gets me to Vegas 45 minutes faster than
my truck...that's relatively fast.

True, but the more important thing is how fast it gets you *out*
of Vegas.

I used to love going to Summer CES in Chicago. After they
stopped doing the show there the only choice was Lost Wages, New
Make-you-go. Since I rarely drink, never gamble and have zero
interest in hookers, that town is of little interest to me.

I did have a good laugh the last time I went to CES there though.
As you walk out of the convention center there are always a bunch
of cute models handing out promotional literature, copies of the
show mag, "TWICE Daily", etc. I would just hold my bag open and
let them drop things in as I walked the gauntlet.

I'd usually just toss everything into my suitcase and my wife and
I would sort it all out when I got home but one evening I stayed
in my hotel room to read some of the show mags. In the bag were
several multi-page brochures featuring ladies of the evening in
full color photos. Had I not checked that literature would have
been the subject of some heated discussion upon my return. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Crash Gordon

I don't collect any of that crap anymore...I just get the free screwdrivers
and hats and crap.

The ISC show was boring (Anaheim) before they moved it to Vegas.

|> Welp, it gets me to Vegas 45 minutes faster than
| > my truck...that's relatively fast.
| True, but the more important thing is how fast it gets you *out*
| of Vegas.
| I used to love going to Summer CES in Chicago. After they
| stopped doing the show there the only choice was Lost Wages, New
| Make-you-go. Since I rarely drink, never gamble and have zero
| interest in hookers, that town is of little interest to me.
| I did have a good laugh the last time I went to CES there though.
| As you walk out of the convention center there are always a bunch
| of cute models handing out promotional literature, copies of the
| show mag, "TWICE Daily", etc. I would just hold my bag open and
| let them drop things in as I walked the gauntlet.
| I'd usually just toss everything into my suitcase and my wife and
| I would sort it all out when I got home but one evening I stayed
| in my hotel room to read some of the show mags. In the bag were
| several multi-page brochures featuring ladies of the evening in
| full color photos. Had I not checked that literature would have
| been the subject of some heated discussion upon my return. :^)
| --
| Regards,
| Robert L Bass
| Bass Burglar Alarms
| The Online DIY Store
| --
| Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.

Robert L Bass

I don't collect any of that crap anymore... I just get
the free screwdrivers and hats and crap.

Once I won a raffle at ISC -- got a keypad operated door lock.
It was kind of cool but I didn't really need it and it wound up
sitting in my garage. I finally gave it away to a customer years

One year one of the manufacturers ran a booth with an enclosure
full of money. You got 30 seconds to grab all you could. The
problem was they turned on a powerful fan which made the stuff
blow past you faster than an inverted 737. IIRC, I got about $5
or $10. Most people were lucky to get even one.
The ISC show was boring (Anaheim) before they moved it to Vegas.

The NY-ISC show used to be good when it was still in the
Coliseum. I always hated the Javitz center though. The HVAC
system never got rid of all cigarette smoke. A few years ago
they made it non-smoking and that helped, but the place is still
like a glass bird cage and you have to walk for what seems like
miles just to enter the ISC area.

Also a lot of manufacturers dropped ISC a few years ago. It used
to take two days to see the whole show. Now it takes part of one

The plus side of the Javitz center was that the NY-ISC coincided
with a major fashion NY show and the lobby was usually packed
with models. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Crash Gordon said:
I don't collect any of that crap anymore...I just get the free screwdrivers
and hats and crap.

The ISC show was boring (Anaheim) before they moved it to Vegas.

It sure was a lot closer though. I like Vegas, but not the drive. Anyway,
I'm just about out of screwdrivers, so I'm going.


I just returned from six weeks in Florida and three days of driving to get
here, and am now catching up with a gazillion posts that I missed when down
south (for some reason, I couldn't get into my newsreader.....)

I did have an 832 catch fire and nearly burn a place down. The AC rectifier
fried and overheated. When I got there, there was foul smoke everywhere, and
as soon as I opened the can, the whole mess went up in flames. I do think
this was an isolated incident however, due to a defective lot of units that
were installed on a run of panels a few years back.

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Crash Gordon

I'm still thinkin..the Mootang needs new shoes though...and that's 700-800
smackers I'm not sure I wanna spend right now...and flying is no
may see me there who knows.

| | > I don't collect any of that crap anymore...I just get the free
| screwdrivers
| > and hats and crap.
| >
| > The ISC show was boring (Anaheim) before they moved it to Vegas.
| It sure was a lot closer though. I like Vegas, but not the drive. Anyway,
| I'm just about out of screwdrivers, so I'm going.
| js


Crash Gordon said:
I'm still thinkin..the Mootang needs new shoes though...and that's 700-800
smackers I'm not sure I wanna spend right now...and flying is no
may see me there who knows.

Last time I flew to Vegas was just after 911. It took 7 1/2 hours from my
house to the hotel. Probably better now, but I just drive it, what the hell.
Doug's good company, even if he does talk a lot.

Robert L Bass

Since you're not fond of long posts I thought I'd warn you in
advance. I'll be posting a few lists of product URL's today.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store


Personally I don't mind long posts, I wade thru Mr Cs all the time.
I do object to self-centered assholes using this place for their own
personal gain though.
Fucking jerk.

Robert L Bass said:
Since you're not fond of long posts I thought I'd warn you in
advance. I'll be posting a few lists of product URL's today.


Robert L Bass

Ass Burglar Alarms
The Bore Store

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Crash Gordon

I'll probably decide next week if Im gonna go I'll let you know. Without new
tires though, I'd have to keep it under 100, and thats no fun :)

| | > I'm still thinkin..the Mootang needs new shoes though...and that's
| > smackers I'm not sure I wanna spend right now...and flying is no
| > may see me there who knows.
| Last time I flew to Vegas was just after 911. It took 7 1/2 hours from my
| house to the hotel. Probably better now, but I just drive it, what the
| Doug's good company, even if he does talk a lot.
| js

Doug L

I'll have to get Jack some new tyres, maybe then we'll be able to go over

Doug L

Crash Gordon

At that rate, it will take you 2 days to get there.

tyres? you a limey or what?

| I'll have to get Jack some new tyres, maybe then we'll be able to go over
| 55.
| Doug L
| --
| | > I'll probably decide next week if Im gonna go I'll let you know. Without
| > new
| > tires though, I'd have to keep it under 100, and thats no fun :)
| >
| >
| > | > | | > | > I'm still thinkin..the Mootang needs new shoes though...and that's
| > 700-800
| > | > smackers I'm not sure I wanna spend right now...and flying is no
| >
| > | > may see me there who knows.
| > |
| > | Last time I flew to Vegas was just after 911. It took 7 1/2 hours from
| > my
| > | house to the hotel. Probably better now, but I just drive it, what the
| > hell.
| > | Doug's good company, even if he does talk a lot.
| > | js
| > |
| > |
| >
| >


mikey said:
Personally I don't mind long posts, I wade thru Mr Cs all the time.
I do object to self-centered assholes using this place for their own
personal gain though.
Fucking jerk.

It's not long posts that we mind, it's your blatant disregard for the others
on this ng.