Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Adding a wireless transmitter to a camera

Hi all could do with a little bit of help. I've recently bought one of these drone things with a camera on. Now I know the camera on it is uprated to a HD camera but the issue I've got is being able to fly over long distances. The transmitter will reach but I can't see the thing! I've bought it as a bit of a project and am looking to "do it up" over time so the first thing I want to do is to add a video transmitter to it to be able to view a real time stream to my iPad for example and use that to see where I'm going. I'm still expecting to use the main controller to fly it I just need to be able to see where I'm going. Any Help?
On the spec of the drone it says iy captures 640x480 at 60 fps. That will require quite a high transmission rate(I guess around 1.5Mbit/second at 30% of original size compression). The radio guys will have to advise you on transmitting at that data rate, but I think the transmitter will have to too big/heavy for the drone. Also being careful not to interfere with the control freq.
It will probably have to be higher, I also forgot to mention that this one has an uprated HD camera, as for the power I'm trying to find a battery that still has the same 3.7v but has maybe 1000mah or even 1500 instead of the standard 500. As for the weight of the transmitter that is what I was worried about because I just have no idea about them so didn't know if I could get a tiny little thing
The battery will be a much bigger problem as batteries are inherrently heavy. Doubling the battery capacity will double the weight.
These drones are specifically designed to be light ( 90g fully loaded), so adding weight might stop it from even lifting off.
The standard camera records to an SD card, so where will you get the stream to transmit after compression?

Compared to the battery the transmitter will be of no consequence.
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well thats just it I don't know if theres anything I can attach to the camera to make it stream or even one of these wifi sd cards, but I don't know if they can send things in realtime or if i'd have to finish recording before it sends?
This camera is more like what you need:

Found a btter (cheap one), but have no idea of its size/weight or how you recive the picture from the website. You could call to find out.
Reversing Camera (£22)

The first one is the better quality but I have a feeling it is expensive. It still weighs 142gm.
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I know this is an old thread, but I was misleading.

A cheap camera for this purpose is a keyring 808#16 camera from (£26). Add to that a transmitter=Boscam 5823 and receiver Boscam 5808 and you have a realtime FPV system with very low weight and a 640x480 camera. You will also need a DC-DC converter for your battery supply to camera(5V) and transmitter(3.3V). The camera also supports local recording.