Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Adding a wireless component as the input for my logic gates

I have a circuit with 8 inputs and was would like those inputs to be controlled wirelessly. My problem is I have no idea how to do this outside of needing a wireless receiver. (My project is being able to control a rgb led with an android cellphone and do not want to use bluetooth). I know right now this is kind of vague, but if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be very greatful.
Hey! I have an idea. I'm not sure how well this would work because of the Android cell phone part and I don't have one but, what you could do is get an Arduino if you don't already have one. They cost about $35 and are worth every penny! You could then put the RGB led on the Arduino and use an XBee shield to send the signals to your computer. Then from there you could probably find a way to get the signals to your phone from your computer. So in the end you could control it with your phone but if it didn't work you could at least control it with your computer =D Sorry if this doesn't help much it was just an idea.