Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Add new user with Partition rights in Ademco XMPT2



Hi all

I have an Ademco 4140XMPT2 with 2 partitions and two keyboards, one per
partition. I generated 5 users per partition through 2*17, and I allowed
the GOTO command throught 2*18.

When I generate new users, for example 02, I type INSTALLER_CODE + 8 + 02
+ 1234 , but instead of entering to a new user form, the system enters to
edit user form, so it only asks me for its Auth. Level and Open/Close
Report, but it does not ask me for Multi-Access, Global Arm, Shopr nor S
Whse. I even delete the user before with INSTALLER_CODE + 8 + 02 +
INSTALLER_CODE, but it then, when I try to generate a new user again, the
system enters again into a edit user menu and therefore it does not allow
me to control the to partitions (arm, disarm, etc.) from one keyboard.

Could anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.



responding to
senapc wrote:

Are you sure the panel has been set up for 2 partitions if not that
may explain why your getting kicked out

Hi Nick,

Thank you very much for your interest. I think that I solved 99% of the
problem. In my case, befores I set keyboard 1 with address 01 and
partition 1 and keyboard 2 with address 02 and partition 2. As soon as I
set keyboard 1 with address 00 it began to allow me to configure
partitions for the users. It seems like although it does not allow me to
configure keyboard 1 with the #93 menu, the systems takes it into account
that it belongs to partition 1.

Now I can do global arming with keyboard 1. The only little problem now
is that I can not do global arming with keyboard 2, although at least I
can GOTO partition 1 with keyboard 2 and arm/disarm partition 1 if needed.
