Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Add a headphone jack to a radar detector?

Hey everybody, I'm looking for some help on a new project. I have an Escort Smart Radar detector that I am installing on my motorcycle. Currently it has a speaker built into the unit for broadcasting alerts, however while on a motorcycle I really need it to be transmitted through a 3.5 mm aux cord (standard headphone cord) into my helmet speakers. I am wondering if it is possible to cut out the internal speaker and use the existing wiring to install a headphone jack that I could then plug my helmet speakers into. I think it should be a fairly straight forward job but i just want to make sure there isn't something I am missing. Will I need to install a resistor at all? Is there any concern of damaging the internal components if it is not done correctly? Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
If your just hooking it to some speakers it should be fine. Some amplifiers will alternate the polarity through the speaker meaning you can't hook it up to another amp it needs to connect to the speaker directly. Yours probably won't do that, even if it does as long as your helmet does not have another amp it should be ok. If your helmet has an amp you may want a resistor so its not to laud but you may lose some audio quality.
Is there any concern of damaging the internal components if it is not done correctly?
If you mean your radar detector then you could do damage but that would most likely be your screwdriver slipping and maybe scratching something. Just be carful and it should be fine. If you mean your helmet then it would depend on the wattage and impedance of your helmet speakers compared to the one in your radar detector and if you have an amp in your helmet. most likely it should be fine. Other that that I don't see anything else wrong. :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The obvious danger is having your head left connected to your bike if you come off.

However I'm pretty sure something will disconnect or break before your head gets pulled off.