Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ADC in Atmega8



I am doing a project using ATmega8. For that we need an ADC of atleast
5Msps. We first thought of using the built in ADC but I want to know
the maximum samples per second for the in built ADC? I guess it is
around 150Ksps but I am not sure. Can I increase this sample rate by
loading the prescalar value like one or 2? Could someone help.
with regards

Rene Tschaggelar

Sam said:
I am doing a project using ATmega8. For that we need an ADC of atleast
5Msps. We first thought of using the built in ADC but I want to know
the maximum samples per second for the in built ADC? I guess it is
around 150Ksps but I am not sure. Can I increase this sample rate by
loading the prescalar value like one or 2? Could someone help.

The AVRs are known for their slow ADCs.



Sam said:
I am doing a project using ATmega8. For that we need an ADC of atleast
5Msps. We first thought of using the built in ADC but I want to know
the maximum samples per second for the in built ADC? I guess it is
around 150Ksps but I am not sure.

I've used the ATmega88 and I remember that the maximum sample rate of
the ADC was around 15Ksps.

John B

Sam scrobe on the papyrus:
I am doing a project using ATmega8. For that we need an ADC of atleast
5Msps. We first thought of using the built in ADC but I want to know
the maximum samples per second for the in built ADC? I guess it is
around 150Ksps but I am not sure. Can I increase this sample rate by
loading the prescalar value like one or 2? Could someone help.
with regards

If there's something you don't know about a chip you are using, it's
usually a good idea to at least glance at the data sheet. You'll find
the information you are seeking in the first paragraph of the ADC