Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Adaptors: Exceeding the specified current by 600mA



We use a Panasonic TC1464 cordless phone (9V DC, 200mA), but we have the
problem that its present adaptor doesn't work in countries that use ~220V. I
have another adaptor that has the same output voltage, but a higher current

Could the phone withstand that difference, or is it crucial that the
specified amount of current is respected?

Thank you in advance.


Rod Speed

We use a Panasonic TC1464 cordless phone (9V DC, 200mA),
but we have the problem that its present adaptor doesn't work
in countries that use ~220V. I have another adaptor that has
the same output voltage, but a higher current (800mA).
Could the phone withstand that difference,

Nothing to 'withstand' with current. That number
specifys the MAXIMUM current that it will supply while
still maintaining the specified voltage, 9V in this case.
or is it crucial that the specified
amount of current is respected?

Nope, just that the specified current
is higher than the device needs.

The short story is that the other one will be fine.