Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AC speed control: shaded pole motor

Let's say I have a shaded pole motor, which controls a blower fan
(basically a bathroom vent fan).

Let's say I have a 12VDC car battery, and a 12V-120V step-up

Would it be practical to power (and control the speed of) the motor by
having a microcontroller produce PWM square waves?

Or is there a better way to control the speed of the motor...?

Why the 12V: I suppose I *could* take a bridge rectifier, hook it up
to AC mains, then figure out some way to power the motor (what is it,
170V peak here in the US) with the PWM scheme, but since I'm a
beginner, first things first... low power for now.



Homer J Simpson

Let's say I have a shaded pole motor, which controls a blower fan
(basically a bathroom vent fan).

Let's say I have a 12VDC car battery, and a 12V-120V step-up

Would it be practical to power (and control the speed of) the motor by
having a microcontroller produce PWM square waves?

To what point?


Let's say I have a shaded pole motor, which controls a blower fan
(basically a bathroom vent fan).
Let's say I have a 12VDC car battery, and a 12V-120V step-up

Would it be practical to power (and control the speed of) the motor by
having a microcontroller produce PWM square waves?

Or is there a better way to control the speed of the motor...?

a commercial fan speed comntroller, switched series capacitors...
Why the 12V: I suppose I *could* take a bridge rectifier, hook it up
to AC mains, then figure out some way to power the motor (what is it,
170V peak here in the US) with the PWM scheme, but since I'm a
beginner, first things first... low power for now.

after the planned step-up it won't be 12V any more...

if you want to do it with 12V use a 12V motor (like a computer fan) and
modify that (PWMing the 12V supply might be enough)
