Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AC Power Measurements Using a TEK TDS 3012 and/or Agi 34401



So, I don't want to add a power meter to this ATE thing we use at
work. I talk SCPI to the TDS 3012 oscilloscope and Agilent DMM 34401
using a VB program. Shouldn't I be able to:

1. take a whole bunch of readings
2. do some amazing math
3. calculate THD, maybe power factor.

Sorry to throw such an unresearched question out but I am clearing out
some fog this morning by writing this and I know some of you enjoy the
challenge of my freaked out monday mornings.

Ed V.

Phil Hobbs

EdV said:
So, I don't want to add a power meter to this ATE thing we use at
work. I talk SCPI to the TDS 3012 oscilloscope and Agilent DMM 34401
using a VB program. Shouldn't I be able to:

1. take a whole bunch of readings You're already doing this
2. do some amazing math
If it's amazing, it's probably wrong
3. calculate THD

, maybe power factor.

Only if you measure the instantaneous current as well--power transferred
goes as the time average of V*I--in general it isn't Vrms*Irms. Phase
shifts as well as distortion matter.
Sorry to throw such an unresearched question out but I am clearing out
some fog this morning by writing this and I know some of you enjoy the
challenge of my freaked out monday mornings.

Ed V.


Phil Hobbs