Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AC light dimmer using AVR controller

Hi all,
I am working on AC dimmer circuit , for that i have have interfaced the Zero Cross Detection circuit with ATmega16 INT0 pin. INT0 is configured as a rising edge. here i am attaching image which shows the working of Zero cross detection is good. but when i interface its output with ATmega INT0 pin, the Zero Cross Pulsed gets down and nothing happen on INT0 pin. i have tested INT0 code separately which also working as expected. I am not getting where i am doing anything wrong? please somebody help me who has worked with such project ever before
Here is a code snip which gives INT0 routine and Int0 Configuration as rising edge.
*  Written in AVR Studio 5 / AVR Studio 6
*  Compiler: AVR GNU C Compiler (GCC)
*  Author: AVR Tutorials
*  Website:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>
#define DataPort    PORTC    // Using PortC as our Dataport
#define DataDDR        DDRC

//Interrupt Service Routine for INT0
    unsigned char i, temp;
    //_delay_ms(500); // Software debouncing control
    //temp = DataPort;    // Save current value on DataPort
    /* This for loop blink LEDs on Dataport 5 times*/
    DataPort = 0x00;
    for(i = 0; i<100; i++)
        _delay_us(200);    // Wait 5 seconds
        //_delay_us(200);    // Wait 5 seconds
     DataPort = 0xFF;
    //DataPort = temp;    //Restore old value to DataPort   
int main(void)
    DDRD = 1<<PD2;        // Set PD2 as input (Using for interupt INT0)
    PORTD = 1<<PD2;        // Enable PD2 pull-up resistor
    DataDDR = 0xFF;        // Configure Dataport as output
    DataPort = 0xFF;    // Initialise Dataport to 1
    GICR = 1<<INT0;                    // Enable INT0
    MCUCR = 1<<ISC01 | 1<<ISC00;    // Trigger INT0 on rising edge
    sei();                //Enable Global Interrupt
    /*    if(DataPort >= 0x80)
            DataPort = 1;
            DataPort = DataPort << 1;    // Shift to the left
        _delay_ms(500);    // Wait 5 seconds */
        if(!(PIN_1 & (1<<SW_1))) //If switch is pressed
        else if(!(PIN_1 & (1<<SW_2))) //If switch is pressed

When i use this Zero Cross Detection pulses as a normal switch its working good, but when i use it with INT0 pin the pulse get destroyed and nothing happens as attached images




¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would be checking very carefully that the pin was defined as an input. The comments in your code suggest it is, but the action your seeing suggests it isn't.