Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AC current check Through multimeter


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The instructions are simple -- you don't.

You get the right tool, a clamp meter
Hai guys,

I want to check the Household AC current Through digital multimeter.please give me instruction.

It's suggested to use a clamp meter. There are some specialized meters with the proper matched adapter for this. The AC current meter is in series with the load.

Jerry G.
Only thing I can add to what has already been said:
IF your multimeter reads AC current, you have to physically move the test probe lead from the Voltage/Resistance Jack on the meter, to Amps (other lead to common on the multimeter). Remember this jack is basically an electrical 'short' through the meter, DO NOT put the leads across the two house wires (Hot and Neutral) like you would with a voltmeter,... an electrical 'short' across the meter (using amp jack on meter) will result in destruction of your meter. And like jerryg50 said, make SURE you are in series with one leg of the house wire with the load. (Not across both of them). *steve*'s idea is best, to get a current clamp, but I'm assuming you're going to do this on the cheap, as a one-shot test.
I'm assuming you know, if your multimeter jack says mA, you will not be able to do the test described. Read the manual on the meter, to see if your ammeter section will be able to handle the current you are expecting to read. You're most likely going to be reading in the Amp range on household current,... and if you know you're going to read high amperage, above the rating of your multimeter, save your meter and go buy the current clamp suggested by *steve*.
Be careful, and good luck.
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