Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A simple scientific discovery will make OPEC obsolete, slow


David Williams

-> It has also been known for decades that adding Methanol to your engine,
-> will not only provide fuel to help reduce America's dependency on
-> foreign oil. but it will also absorb moisture that might find its way
-> into your gas tank, without any damage to your engine...

-> Until now nobody has realized, combining the right amounts of Methanol
-> and purified water through destitution or reverse osmose to your engine,
-> will decrease the amount of gas needed, up to 75% .Most estimates are 10
-> to 15% water and 15% Methanol...

-> OK guys shoot this down...

Methanol is a fuel. Of course it is true that adding it to gasoline will
reduce the consumption of gasoline. However, it is *not* true that
methanol is completely harmless. In high concentrations, it can damage
things like hoses.

Hereabouts, in wintertime, we can buy "gas line antifreeze" that we can
add to the gas in our cars. It prevents ice from forming in the fuel
system, which can cause the car to stall. The antifreeze is mainly
methanol. Nowadays, many brands of gas are blended with ethanol, which
is also an antifreeze.

"Destitution or reverse osmose" were presumably meant to be
"distillation or reverse osmosis".

Adding water to motor fuel may, under some circumstances, increase
efficiency somewhat. It can also cause various forms of damage. I do
not believe that the increase in efficiency will allow fuel consumption
to decrease by anything like 75 percent. That's just plain drivel.



The antifreeze is mainly methanol.

I don't know what Planet your on, but here on Earth, Antifreeze is
either, Ethylene Glycol, or Propylene Glycol. Methanol is used as
an AntiWatering Agent in Gasoline Fuel Systems, as it is missable
in both Gasoline and water. Maybe that is what you are discribing.....