Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A good site to buy jacks?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good site to find a specific 4-lug 1/4'' input jack. I've looked around a lot and can't seem to find this particular style. I also don't know too much about electronics so I came to ask you all. The part I'm looking for is for my M-Audio Mobile Preamp. I broke the 1/4'' input jack, and I opened it up and found that it needs to have 4-lugs (as I was told they were called, and they need to be arranged like this:

I'm not sure if this particular part is "too specific" and would have to buy a whole new unit, but if anyone knows anything about it or where I can find one that would be great!!
Thanks a lot!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Perhaps if you can show us what plugs into the broken part. I suspect I know what you want, but from that side of the board it's not obvious.

You may be able to get an appropriate socket and wire the appropriate pins to the board. It is quite likely you wont find an exact replacement (but who knows, you may get lucky)

Since we don't know where you are, it's hard to recommend where to buy the part from (even harder since we don't know what the part *is* either).

If you're in Australia, try Jaycar. If you're in the US, try Digikey. If you're in the UK, try RS Components or Farnell
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Thanks for the reply!
What plugs into it is a guitar cable, a quarter inch male jack.
I'll include a picture of that as well as the reverse side of the board.
I live in the U.S., I am basically looking for a good store online that I can check out, but if you're aware of some U.S. stores, that would work too.

Here's the reverse side of the board:

This is what the jack looks like:


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK, it's a mono 6.3mm socket.

Can you check to see if the pin connected to the ground plane is connected to the body of this jack when it is inserted? I suspect the lone pin on its own is connected to the tip. The two pins together may be a switch activated by inserting the jack, or they may just be there to provide mechanical support.

See if you can figure it out.

Something like this *may* be what you need. It probably won;t fit in the holes on the board.

It may be a good idea to remove the socket from the board so you can confirm what all the connections do.