Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A Christmas Gift

Hi all,

I'm a noobie here so my apologies if I've gotten this in the wrong forum and thank you in advance for all your help!

My best friends 4yr old is a hockey nut (he sleeps with his hockey stick) and his father is building him his first outdoor rink this year (that's another story all together) and for his gift this year I wanted to make him a goal light. I was hoping to set it up something like this: Goal light behind the net on a post, when he scores, he skates by and hits the button and the light comes on a runs or a brief moment in time (thinking 10 seconds or less but that can be negotiable if necessary).

Here's the light( i've already gotten off of amaon, that has an in-line roller switch and runs on 120v and is not LED,

Where i'm stuck is how do I get the light to only run for a short duration of time after the button is pressed? I know i need a timer on a circuit board, but no idea how to put it together.

I already have some timers that i took out of a sample light, but the sample was powered by 4 AA batteries and is LED. Would it be possible to use that timer without mods to make it work? The timer has a 555 chip in it.

All thoughts and solutions would be welcome.

Please let me know if i've left out some crucial information and i'd be happy to get it for you.

Many thanks,

in my head i see jr hitting the button after he scores then the goal light would start spinning and glowing.

so i think it looks like this:

plug into wall > button (sends power to arduino) > arduino executes code to trigger light for set second duration then goes off until next time.

does that make sense?
An NE555 + relay would be simpler, no programming required.

The button would trigger the 555 in monostable mode to turn on the relay for x seconds.

Thanks for the tip Bob; it sound easier and less expensive to wire that way!

Any chance you could point me in the right direction to find wiring diagrams for this set-up? As previously mentioned, I'm a noob at this!


I would say maybe an Arduino and relay
A bizarrely complicated way to light a light bulb.

1. Commit to a light type, LED (low voltage) or incandescent (line voltage). Contrary to your statements, the light you linked to IS LED, and battery powered.

2. Determine what will power the timer. Could the whole thing be battery powered, or is AC available for both the light and the timer?

3. There are 555-based timer modules on ebay for under $5 that have an output relay that can switch anything you are considering. But you won't get one before Christmas. What is your timetable?

Monostable mode ne555 as Bob suggested.
should be just over 9 seconds.
For safety, I recommend a low voltage light over a 120v option if its a wet location.