Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A bloke from Scotland

Hello. I'm Nick, from Edinburgh. Anyone else from East-Central Scotland?
Don't ask me about Darth Florist - it's TOO complicated! Just blame the beer!
I've been into Electronics since the early 1970's. Although I started out as a Test Engineer on Test Gear for Military Airborne Radar projects, redundancy forced me into repairing Medical Equipment at one of the local hospitals, which I hated. Despite having a 1st Class Honours Degree, the British Electronics industry didn't want to know. As I retired last year, that's their loss!
Because of my love of Rock Music, particularly of the Progressive genre, I'm into sound effects, such as Phasing, Flanging, Sustain, Wah-Wah, Echo, Chorus and others. I've acquired a huge stock of ICs of one sort and another and I propose building some of the units I've found in various British Electronics magazines. Various Echo & Delay units will use PT2399's and MN3207's, but I have a slight problem with the latter, which I hope to discuss elsewhere.
Any questions?


Hello. I'm Nick, from Edinburgh. Anyone else from East-Central Scotland?

Greetings Nick
welcome aboard
I'm originally from the "Edinburgh of the south", Dunedin City in New Zealand which has strong ties to Scotland due to the high number of
Scottish immigrants back in the day. The usual story, a statue of Robbie Burns in the centre of town etc :)

Failte Nick. (welcome)

Kelleyseye on the west coast might be the closest to you.. ?

Congrats on your recent retirement.
Hopefully it leaves you with plenty of time for tinkering with electronics.
MN3207 - Goodness. You can still buy these.
Yep - there's a firm called "CoolAudio" that make the V3205 which is identical. Also, try Amazon. In their search box, enter MN3205. I did and found they do packs of 10 for about £6.81p (GBP). I also bought a packet of 50 x BF244B's for £13.13p (GBP). They probably do other chips & semicons as well. They don't do SAD1024 of TDA1097 unfortunately!
Absolutely. Welcome. There was no question mark. I had checked Aliexpress and found them. I was somewhat surprised, but great. Roll on those favourite effects.