Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A better design of 80MHz duty cycle extender and phase shifter

For the Duty Cycle extender

I use a CR circuit with a shotkey diode around the R to charge the Capacitor quickly and the circuit discharges slowly through the R hence increasing the duty cycle. This network is between two High speed comparators to produce an interface to a square wave.

For the phase shift

I am picking of the signal from a series of high speed logic gates, the high speed logic gates generate the transition delay of the signal

All this runs off 5V

Does anyone have a better solution
A monostable multi-vibrator would make a better duty cycle extender.
I looked at a monostable, I could not see one with a short enough transition time that would enable me to extend the pulse, but saying that I have not looked at the ECL family
I looked at a monostable, I could not see one with a short enough transition time that would enable me to extend the pulse, but saying that I have not looked at the ECL family
Thanks for your input, I might have not looked carefully enouth into the logic families