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Maker Pro

A balanced article on solar power

  • Thread starter Honka Honka Burnin' Love
  • Start date

John Phillips

Only a moron would call that "balanced". It's pure anti-solar crap.


Your lack of intellect and objectivity is not becoming.


John Phillips

"Prohibition goes beyond reason in that it attempts
to control a man's appetite through legislation. A prohibition
law strikes a blow at the very principles this country was founded upon."

Abraham Lincoln

Mark Little

Brent Geery said:
Only a moron would call that "balanced". It's pure anti-solar crap.

I use solar power myself, and I couldn't see that the article was too far
from reality. I would be very suprised if, in my lifetime, solar energy
contributed more than 15% of the total grid. The capacity to cheaply store
energy for the night and extended cloudy periods is not there yet.

So, instead of an un-informative "It's pure anti-solar crap", how about
telling us where you think it is wrong and why.


Mark Little

Solar Guppy said:
The Article claims solar panel production doubled in the last 5 years , the
off a bit ... Report 2003.pdf

its closer to 400% increase

That is a factor of 2 error and while it may be incorrect, I don't anyone
would agrue that 4 times a miniscule proportion of the energy budget, as
opposed to 2 times will make a lot of practical difference to the big
picture of energy generation.
That article says two inverter failures in 19 years ... seems pretty good to
me , the issue was they were depending on the utility to put in a new one
for free. If you going to look at things that broke , I bet Mass Electric
changed a few parts on the grid side in 19 years

What was written:
"The inverters are still temperamental, solar advocates acknowledge. They
chug along well enough for five or six years, then often conk out."

I can see no mention of 19 years in relation to the failure frequency, only
$19,000 as the cost. Where was this stated?
he article says water corrodes the cells ... not true ... thought the
terminal bonding strip will rust ...

What was written:
"Water, he discovered, had wicked inside, where it can corrode the cells."

Since part of the cell includes the connections bonded to the wafer and they
can corrode, the statement is accurate. Anyway, to say anything else would
require a discussion of the way the cell was constructed and would take up
as much as the entire article.
So Mass electric did a poor install , water got into the Jbox ... Gee I
guess solar can't make because the utility did a so-so job on the install ,
I am so surprised ..

Delamination of the panel layers can cause allow to enter into the panel
itself. Wicking of moisure allows moisture to travel along the connections
and cause the corrosion in the panel as stated. This is usually a
manufacturing problem, not an installation problem.
In general , it would seem what this article is really about is starting to
set the public tone , planting in the mind of the general public that COAL
is our savoir

What was written in the article:
"Renewable energy will not solve the problem of increasing energy demand by
a booming world population, but it does offer a bridge of hope until a
replacement energy source for nonrenewable fossil fuels can be developed,"
writes geophysicist Dohn Riley. A paid-for opinion from some oil executive?
Not at all. He was commenting as director of the Alternative Energy
Institute in Tahoe City, Calif."

Are you suggesting that Mr Riley is in on the conspiracy to make out "COAL
is our savoir"?
What ever powers make money from us being dependant on an oil economy are
licking there chops for the next profit center for this century , once again
damn the environment all for profit.

What was said:
"Massachusetts Electric once hoped to transfer responsibility for the units
entirely to the homes, and it is trying again this year to extricate itself
from the upkeep. But if the utility stopped caring for the systems, many
homeowners say they would get rid of them."

The consumers won't pay for the maintenance costs associated with this
power. That means that it is the consumer, not the business that is setting
the agenda. There is little point in blaming "What ever powers make money
from us" since they will only provide what the consumer (us) will buy.


Brent Geery

In general , it would seem what this article is really about is starting to
set the public tone , planting in the mind of the general public that COAL
is our savoir

Bingo. That's exactly what I what I got from the article. It's
propaganda, and worded as such.


We have been in the solar business for over 25 years, and I would say that
the article comes quite close to reality. One of our biggest problems in
dealing with customers is getting them past all the hype and BS that has
been put out over the past few years.


Etrolll said:
Hmm, article says $100 for an electrical hookup, not where I am, its $12.89 per
on a public road and I about 1000' from the pole. -- buys some nice panels.
lets me live anywhere with discounted land cost.
Its kinda ironic reading that article as I sit here planning my pv system, When
was an apprentice electrician I replaced an invertor or two in gardner for
solar design associates. Ed

Depends where you live. Quite often, the power company will install for free
if you are within 1/4 mile or so.