Maker Pro
Maker Pro

8x8x8 led cube

I ordered an diy 8x8x8 led cube from the Internet and much to my surprise it did not come with intructions and im a bit lost. There is a a few things aside from the intructions i think im missing. Now i know were the chips go and the simple stuff. But i have two 4.7k resistors, eight 510 resistors one red led, 512 rgb leds, one a103j nine pin resistor two #22 compasitors and two 10uf 25v compasitors. I am not sure were the resistors go and in what order. And on the back side of the board it shows eight more places for compasitors i dont have, and two more switchs.... i think i have looked for schematics on line but all i can find are every other board but this one. I need help plz.


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Harald Kapp

You should ask the vendor for instructions. Unless someone here assembled this board previously, chances are small that we can tell you where to place the components from the pictures alone.
Where did you buy the kit?
China.... smh i should of known but i did it anyways. And i asked them for the instructions and they basicly said no. So i asked for a refund and they want me to pay $16 shipping and handling just to get my $44 back from the original order... in my opinion if i cant find some instructions then ill atleast keep it for the leds alone. But im not paying 16 buck to get 44 witch would not include the new 16... if that makes any sense.
So it didn't come with instructions or a schematic? How do they expect people to know how to build it then? Even a parts list that shows what C1, C2, etc. are so you can match them up with the actual components would be better than nothing.

Guess they expect people to have ESP in order to build the kit.
Ok so i finally got the cube done. But its not working right. Now yes i am sure everything is soldered right. I have checked it over idk how many time. I have come to one of the following conclusions. 1 due to the wearing on my soldiering iron and a lack of funding i have to much solder on the cube. 2 the pre programed chip is not right. All leds do light up but the 3rd row from the top is brighter then any of them and when it dose the angled pattern that row lights up as the rest does the design pattern. Idk were to begain troubleshooting from here...
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Ok so i finally got the cube done. But its not working right. Now yes i am sure everything is soldered right. I have checked it over idk how many time. I have come to one of the following conclusions. 1 due to the wearing on my soldiering iron and a lack of funding i have to much solder on the cube. 2 the pre programed chip is not right. All leds do light up but the 3rd row from the top is brighter then any of them and when it dose the angled pattern that row lights up as the rest does the design pattern. Idk were to begain troubleshooting from here...

show us some clear well lit pix of your construction ... some one may be able to point out any problems