Maker Pro
Maker Pro

8051,not able to receive from serial port.......Plz Help,,,,

hi ;

This is sulabh,i am programming my controller 89s52, for
recieving and trasmitting from serial port .I m using embedded C in
keil UV2.

It is trasmitting properly but while reception it is not
raising the RI flag...(i suspect) ,
in main loop of my programme i m checking for :
if(trigger==1) // Externel input for trigger

if(RI==1 )


In main programme i m giving


In DEbugger window it is working fine,in hardware it is showing (ON
Osciloscop)that whenever i m giving trigger it is transmitting through
pin 11, by the same time i m receiving the txmitted stream in another
89s52 and on that Rx pin it is showing that same data has reached to
89s52(second), but it is not receiving and not going in rx_char()

I am stuck here Plz help....


"[email protected]"


my controller 89s52, for recieving and trasmitting from serial port .I m using embedded C in keil UV2.
It is trasmitting properly but while reception it is not
raising the RI flag...(i suspect)

Hi Sulabh,
Not familiar with your chip, but here's a couple ideas to check:
I assume your serial routines are polled, and not interrupt driven

In either case:
The RI interrupt flag might need to be cleared manually after each
character. I would start there.
Simply fetching the character from the receive buffer may not clear
this flag, and then all subsequent received characters get "stuck",
and eventually get overwritten in the buffer.

Next (but not as likely to be the problem?), on the Dallas Semi
DS87C530 chip for example, there is a bit tucked away in one of the
Special Function Registers (SRF) to enable reception on the serial
port - though there is no corresponding bit for transmit.

I think I spent an entire day chasing that one!

Anyway, like I said, I don't recall the Atmel chips having Serial
Receive Enables tucked away like that, but it might be worth a look in
the Datasheet? Good luck.


petrus bitbyter

hi ;

This is sulabh,i am programming my controller 89s52, for
recieving and trasmitting from serial port .I m using embedded C in
keil UV2.

It is trasmitting properly but while reception it is not
raising the RI flag...(i suspect) ,
in main loop of my programme i m checking for :
if(trigger==1) // Externel input for trigger

if(RI==1 )


In main programme i m giving


In DEbugger window it is working fine,in hardware it is showing (ON
Osciloscop)that whenever i m giving trigger it is transmitting through
pin 11, by the same time i m receiving the txmitted stream in another
89s52 and on that Rx pin it is showing that same data has reached to
89s52(second), but it is not receiving and not going in rx_char()

I am stuck here Plz help....


"[email protected]"

Did you clear RI before you start the receiver? It's not enough to clear it
in the main program. You have to make sure it is cleared before you start
receiving and you have to clear it again after reading SBUF.

petrus bitbyter


petrus said:
Did you clear RI before you start the receiver? It's not enough to clear it
in the main program. You have to make sure it is cleared before you start
receiving and you have to clear it again after reading SBUF.

Of course reading should be interrupt driven.

For transmit you have to wait for TI to clear or somesuch. And then there's the
issue of setting up a timer for the baud rate too.


petrus bitbyter

Eeyore said:
Of course reading should be interrupt driven.

For transmit you have to wait for TI to clear or somesuch. And then
there's the
issue of setting up a timer for the baud rate too.


Well, RI is the receive interrupt flag. But as the OP is apparently just a
beginner, I guess the first attempt using polling is good enough for a

petrus bitbyter


petrus said:
"Eeyore" schreef

Well, RI is the receive interrupt flag. But as the OP is apparently just a
beginner, I guess the first attempt using polling is good enough for a

Sounds like a recipe for creating bad habits actually. I've seen that kind of
thing done too often by programmers who have no real excuse. They look kind off
oddly at you when you tell them that interrupts aren't done by of polling.


Paul Burke

Eeyore said:
Of course reading should be interrupt driven.

Depends entirely on what you are doing. In many applications, you KNOW
the character poll loop is faster than the data rate, you are looking
for a fixed format message with a known delimiter, nothing happens until
you get that message, and no other valid message can arrive before you
have actioned it. So why bother with interrupts?

Paul Burke


Depends entirely on what you are doing. In many applications, you KNOW
the character poll loop is faster than the data rate, you are looking
for a fixed format message with a known delimiter, nothing happens until
you get that message, and no other valid message can arrive before you
have actioned it. So why bother with interrupts?

Also, the 8051 has only two levels of interrupt priority. If you have
other things happening with timing requirements that demand the
interrupts be used for them, you are sort of stuck as far as the

BTW: a cute trick is to call a RETI instruction to go back normal
without leaving the code that processes the input event. You can make
it appear that you have an extra level of priority this way. Just
remember to prevent more of the smae interrupt.


MooseFET said:
Also, the 8051 has only two levels of interrupt priority. If you have
other things happening with timing requirements that demand the
interrupts be used for them, you are sort of stuck as far as the

True of 'original' 8051s. More modern ones such as from Philips oops NXP (and
Atmel too ?) have 4 levels.

BTW: a cute trick is to call a RETI instruction to go back normal
without leaving the code that processes the input event. You can make
it appear that you have an extra level of priority this way. Just
remember to prevent more of the smae interrupt.

Can you explain how that works ?



In main programme i m giving


It would be a whole load more useful if you stated those values in binary !

Here's a snippet of code from an ancient project of mine btw. Oops I didn't use
binary in this case myself !

TR1 = 0;
ET1 = 0;
TMOD = TMOD AND 00001111B;
TF1 = 1;
IE1 = 0;
TH1 = 0F3H;
TL1 = 0FFH;
TR1 = 1;

????? 2400 baud N,8,1 ????? with 12MHz crystal (I should have commented that)

co:procedure(char); /* single character output */
dcl char byte;
do while (not(TI)); /* wait for TI to be set by hardware */
TI = 0; /* now clear TI */
SBUF = char;
end co;

Trsnamission is initiated by any instruction that uses
SBUF as a destination register. The “write to SBUF’
signal at S6P2 also loads a 1 into the 9th position of the
transmit shift register and tells the TX Control block to
commence a transmission.The internal timing is such
that one full machine cycle will elapse between“write
to SBUF,”and activation of SEND.

SEND enables the output of the shift register to the
alternate output function line of P3.0, and also enables
SHIFT CLOCKto the alternate output function line of
P3.1. SHIFT CLOCK is low during S3, S4, and S5 of
every machine cycle, and high during S6, S1and S2.At
S6P2 of every machinecycle in which SEND is active,
the contents of the transmit shift register are shifted to
the right one position.

As data bits shift out to the right, zeroes come in from
the left. When the MSBof the data byte is at the output
position of the shift register, then the 1 that was initially
loaded into the 9th position, is just to the left of the
MSB, and all positions to the left of that contain zeroes
This condition flags the TX Control block to do one
last shift and then deactivate SEND and set TI.

(from Intel's 8051 family manual)



BTW: a cute trick is to call a RETI instruction to go back normal
without leaving the code that processes the input event.  You can make
it appear that you have an extra level of priority this way.  Just
remember to prevent more of the smae interrupt.

This makes my head hurt.
Sounds cool, though. :)



True of 'original' 8051s. More modern ones such as from Philips oops NXP (and
Atmel too ?) have 4 levels.

Can you explain how that works ?

Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to resist saying "Yes." or
"Very well" as the answer to this.

Assume code like this:

push this ; Save the outer context
push that
push theother

lcall TheReti ; Reset the interrupt hardware

mov A,BCD ; Do stuff 1
mov DEF,GHI ; DO stuff 2

pop theother
pop that
pop this

When IntVector1 is hit, the stack has the address of the interrupted
context on it just like there was a call instruction.

When the RETI gets called, the call instruction pushes the address for
the "Do stuff 1" onto the stack. When the RETI instruction is done,
this is the place we will return to.

If a different interrupt happens between "Do stuff 1" and "Do stuff
2", the interrupt will be serviced and then "Do stuff 2" will happen.

When we wnat to return to the main context, we need just to pop the
registers and do a normal return.

If you want to get a little extra cute, you can make it so that this
same interrupt can happen again. This involves adding a flag that the
interrupt code sets and clears and tests or some counters or the
like. This is good where only one out of many passes through the
interrupt code takes long enough that you may miss one.