Maker Pro
Maker Pro

8-bit Kogge-Stone carry-lookahead adder

Hi, I'm making a circuit in a game called minecraft. I'm trying to find the fastest way to making an 8 bit adder, regardless of circuit size. On wikipedia, I found and built a 4 bit version of it, which was exactly the same (in game) speed as a ripple-carry adder.
An 8 bit version of the Kogge-Stone one should hopefully go faster than the ripple-carry version it. However, I couldn't find a clear image of an 8 bit Kogge-Stone CLA. There are 16 bit ones, however. But I don't know how to trim them down, as I don't understand the algoritm.

So might there be a chance any of you would be so kind to draw me an image of one for me? I'd be very kind, and willing to give you credit if you want it.

Also for some background information; this adder will be used in an ALU, which will eventually be used in a full-size CPU. But that's for the far future. Also if you're interested, here's a video of a 15 bit sync up-counter in minecraft;
Yes, it's very basic. :)

Thank you in advance,



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

You want an 8 bit adder designed using bricks and lava?

Are you after an adder that operates quickly, i.e. one that has no appreciable latency?

Did you notice latency in the 4 bit ripple adder?

For minimum latency you probably want something with look-ahead carry. That gets more and more true as you increase the number of bits. Where the break-even point is depends a lot on how your latency is determined -- and I have no idea of the latency of bricks and lava!

You want an 8 bit adder designed using bricks and lava?

Are you after an adder that operates quickly, i.e. one that has no appreciable latency?

Did you notice latency in the 4 bit ripple adder?

For minimum latency you probably want something with look-ahead carry. That gets more and more true as you increase the number of bits. Where the break-even point is depends a lot on how your latency is determined -- and I have no idea of the latency of bricks and lava!
Well it's not really bricks and lava, it's something called redstone. Basicly we have wires and inverters to our disposal. The inverters take 1 'tick', which is a time unit. Using demorgan to make an AND gate: (a' + b')'. So that uses 2 layers of inverters, which means it should be executed in 2 'ticks'. Same with XOR: (a' +b)' + (a + b')', again 2 ticks. Combining those 2 we get a half adder. An 8 bit ripple carry takes 16 ticks.

But a 4 bit kogge-stone CLA takes 8 ticks, so I'm interested if there's a way the kogge-stone CLA can do 8 bits, in less than 16 ticks.

I am after an adder that operates quickly, regardless of complexness. To be used in a minecraft ALU. :)