Maker Pro
Maker Pro

7 Segment BCD Logic

I had a question I was hoping someone would take a look at. HERE's the link. It's a pdf of my assignment. On page two it tells me to use only 3 inputs to display my birthday. Am I correct for thinking that it only wants to be able to input my birthday? It would need to be 4 bit to be worth anything wouldn't it? I just don't want to get done and find out it won't do an improvised birthday because I designed it wrong.

Harald Kapp

Forget about the birthday blabla. That's just a nice story around the real task.

The truth table "example bitrhday" in your assignment tells you what to do: For each combination of inputs X,Y, Z generate the appropriate output to have the 7-segment display show the corresponding number.

Using the birthday reduces the chances that students can copy the result from one another since the chance that two studenst were born on the same day is rather low. Therefore the teacher can assume you've done your hoework yourself if the resulting circuit displays the correct date :)
That makes sense. I was kind of hoping to make a 4 bit input for fun. But I better keep it to 3 inputs so I'm not mistaken for a cheater. ah.... so much for the hex letters, a guy can dream lol.