Maker Pro
Maker Pro

60601-1 Creepage Requirements

Our creepage requirements from SFTY_GND to Protective_Earth Ground are 2.3mm. So to meet the creepage requirements we have a 3mm gap between SFTY_GND and Protective_Earth Ground shown in the attachment as Dim A but I have a question about this. I have two resistors in series each 10Mohms each in parallel with a Capacitor for filtering, so Dim B which is less then 2.3mm is that going to be ok since we have a high impedance path?


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would suggest that as long as your track width is less than 3.0mm - 2.3mm then you have protection roughly equivalent to your requirement.

However it would seem to make sense to alter the ground plane around these components to allow a little more clearance.

I would consider removing a little of the ground plane on the LHS so that R2's left pad starts on the edge of it, and so that the left pad of R1 is further from the left hand ground plane.
Thank you for the reply
I would suggest that as long as your track width is less than 3.0mm - 2.3mm then you have protection roughly equivalent to your requirement.

Do you mean the track that connects R1 and R2, this trace is 1mm wide. I'll modify my ground plane around the components. Is the reason you are saying what I have is ok is because of the 2 10Mohm resistors in series creating a high impeadance path thus acting as an insulator?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, whatever reason you need to keep these 2 regions separated by 2.3mm, that must be mitigated by the need to have components bridging the gap.
Unless you can find components that have a gap of at least 2.3mm between the pads (would require a large SMT component or something through-hole) then you have to find a way to remain compliant.

I would suggest that having 2 equal gaps that make up 2.3mm is probably OK when the components are effectively a voltage divider that will ensure that any potential difference is equal across the 2 smaller gaps.

However I suggest you check the standard. What appears sensible is by no means what is required. You should also check the resistors themselves to ensure their voltage rating is sufficient since clearly it is expected that a high potential difference may exist between these 2 grounds.
You probably need to clarify the compliance requirements for parts bridging an insulation classification, and what insulation classification is required between your two grounds.